[News from the News Center] According to the latest Clarivate ESI data released on July 9 (retrieved from January 1, 2010 to April 30, 2020), the Computer Science discipline of Yanshan University ranks the top 1% of ESI for the first time. To date, four disciplines of our university – Engineering, Materials Science, Chemistry, and Computer Science rank the top 1% of ESI. The number of YSU's ESI top 1% disciplines ranks No.1 in Hebei Province.
In July, 2020, YSU climbs global rankings. YSU ranks 2.8 ‰ in Engineering discipline, 3.24 ‰ in Materials Science, and 6.54 ‰ in Chemistry discipline. Our university has published 524 ESI papers in the field of Computer Science, with a total citation of 3853 times, 7.35 times per paper, and 3 papers are selected in the list of Highly Cited Papers, ranking the 495th in the world and the top 1% of ESI.
In recent years, the university is committed to the construction of “Double First-class university, promoting the first-class discipline upgrading and talents cultivating, and encouraging the production of quality scientific research achievements, which sees our university's rise in ESI global rankings in the field of Computer Science.

YSU Computer Science discipline ranks the world’s top 1% of ESI
Introduction to data sources: Essential Science Indicators (ESI) is a basic analysis and evaluation tool for evaluating scientific research performance and tracking scientific development trend, which was launched by ISI in 2001. The Essential Science Indicator database reveals emerging science trends as well as influential individuals, institutions, papers, journals and countries in various fields of research. With science trend statistics drawn from more than 12 million articles from over 12,000 global journals and tracking the upper echelon of research across 22 broad categories, Essential Science Indicators delivers the in-depth coverage researchers need to effectively analyze and benchmark research performance.
[Translated by Lv Bo]