【Newsfrom News Center】The award ceremony of “2016 Students’ Favorite University President” co-sponsored by China Association of Higher Education, All-China Students’ Federation and China Youth Daily, namely UniversityPresident Forum was held in China-Europe Center, Guangdong on Jan. 7th.President Liu was awarded the title of "2016 Students’ Favorite University President". Meanwhile, the video "Spring Rain Moistens ThingsSilently" produced by YSU TV station won the award of “Best Original MicroVideo Production”.

President Liu attendedthe award ceremony.

PresidentLiu attended the award ceremony.
ZhenyuanQu, President of China Association of Higher Education addressed the award ceremony on behalf of the sponsors. He stated that excellent presidents are supposedimprove the education function, adhere to regulations of running a school, andbe patient and tenacious. The advanced school-running concepts are supposed to be reflected in practical actions, sentiments for students and responsibilitiesfor China’s future.

UniversityPresident Forum
Over 20 award-winning presidentsgave key-note speeches at the President Forum in the afternoon. YSU PresidentHongmin Liu gave a report entitled “Student-oriented: cultivating innovativeand entrepreneurial students that can adapt to demands of the society”. He introduced specifically how YSU cultivates students from the three aspects---tocarry out undergraduate education of distinctive characters to train students to adapt to society demands; to reflect our care for students in every detail; and to communicate with students to be students’ favorite president.
The video “Spring Rain MoistensThings Silently” produced by YSU TV station fully shows that President Liucares for students. He enquired students about the quality and price of canteen food, communicated with freshmen and their parents at their commencement ceremony, waved goodbye to graduates at the graduation ceremony and cared aboutstudents from poor families.
Theselection of students’ favorite university president has been warmly received by many colleges and universities since it was started in July, 2016. College presidents who have been full-time in office for more than 5 years in a row and presidents in their present positions for more than 2 years are eligible for the selection. After many procedures including application, video production,qualifications evaluation, online voting, experts’ evaluation, and public announcement, 36 presidents won the title, including: Xiuxin Deng,President of CentralChina Agricultural University, Fei Xu,President of South West JiaoTong University and Hongmin Liu,President ofYSU. Besides, 36 colleges and universities won the prize of “the Best OriginalMicro Video Production“.