【News from News Center】China National Centerfor Student Financial Aid under the Ministry of Education sent a letter tocongratulate YSU students--Wenjing An on her winning China National Scholarship. Meanwhile, the center forwarded to her an article of her story published onPeople'sDaily.People's Dailyhas published a directory of 108award-winning college students nationwide, 2 of whom are from Hebei Province.

China National Center for Student Financial Aid under theMinistry of Education sent a congratulatory letter.

A photo of Wenjing Anin daily life
MissAn, has now been recommended for admission to Beijing National AccountingInstitute to work on her master’s degree. In 2012, she was admitted by the Department of Statistics, School of Science at YSU. However, she became aware that the Major of Statistics was not in accordance with her career plan after aperiod of study as her dream was to be an accountant. The premise of changing her major to Accounting was that she had to rank the top 15% among all statistics majors in her freshman year.
In the two semesters, sheused up draft paper of 1 meter high and 87 pens. “I may not have an intelligent brain, butI believe that diligence is the means by which I make up for my dullness.” In the end, her grade ranked the first, therefore she obtained the qualifications of changing her major successfully to Accounting, school of Economics and Management.
She became classmates with sophomores of Accounting Major. However, some questions, which were easy for others, have impeded her learningdue to her lack of basic knowledge. Therefore, while she was learning sophomore-yearknowledge, she had to spend time learning freshman-year knowledge. As long as she had an opportunity, she went to freshman classes for auditing. On the basisof 13 classes each week in sophomore year, she still needed to attend 9 freshman classes. After two years of unremitting efforts, she achievedoutstanding results again and ranked the first among accounting majors.
Miss An has always been a straight-Astudent and won YSU first-level scholarships consecutively. Besides, she participated actively in social practice and activities, including: marketing contest, knowledge contest and logo design contest. Furthermore, she has won thehonorary title of “Outstanding Member of the Communist Youth League of China" and"Outstanding Student Leader". Her team won the second prize of China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling in 2014, and she was awarded “Outstanding Graduate of Hebei” in 2016.
“Wenjing An loves learningand is full of dreams and passion. Her achievements fully embody the correct attitude of treasuring time and being hungry for knowledge”, YSU Vice PresidentSheng Huang has a very high esteem of her, “she has been an inspiring model forcollege students owing to her excellent quality of tenaciously striving to succeed,and her healthy personality of being braving in challenging herself and goingbeyond herself.”

People’s Dailyon Feb. 22nd
China National Scholarship was established by the central government to award outstanding undergraduates at colleges, universities, and higher vocational colleges for their hard work, enormous progress and anall-round moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic development. The 14thand 15thpages ofPeople’s Dailyon Feb. 22nd, 2017 have published a directory of 108 award-winning college and university students nationwide, who had been recommended by provinces (cities or districts), colleges and universities, and evaluated by experts. They are outstanding representatives of nearly 25 million young college and university students. (Editor: Rui Liu)