[News from theNews Center] From Sept.28-30, the 47thYSU Games was held. MengWeidong, Liu Hongmin, Sheng Wanyu, Zhang Fucheng, XieYan’an, Li Rong, Zhao Yongsheng, Wang Baocheng, Zhao Dingxuan and other leaders attended the opening ceremony.Duringthetwo-and-a-half-day competition, 1076athletes from21schools and offices competed in 3 groups of 29events and fun games. Besides Shot Put, Javelin and Discus on Sept. 27, the other events were held onSept.29 and 30.

The opening ceremony (Photo by CaiQiaoqi from the News Center)

Zhang Mingli hosts the opening ceremony. (Photo by Lu Jingke from the News Center)

Meng Weidong declaresthe opening of the 46th YSUSportsGames.(Photo by Lu Jingke from the News Center)

Zhao Yongsheng speaks at the opening ceremony. (Photo by Lu Jingke from the News Center)
At 19:00 on September 28, the opening ceremony was held at the Second Stadium, whichwas hosted by Zhang Mingli, Director of the Student Affairs Office. MengWeidongdeclared the opening of the 47thYSU SportsGames, andZhao Yongsheng gave a speechat the ceremony.Zhaosaid thatthe 47thYSU SportsGames washeld oncelebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day. In the past year,YSUphysical education reformhas been deepened, the physical education teaching has been steadilyraised, and the physical indicators of students have improved markedly. The “Sports CompetitioninSunshine” and mass sports activities have been flourishing. In recent years,YSUhas achieved outstanding results in various competitions. Sports bear the dream of national prosperity and national rejuvenation. The younger generation is the new force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the ChineseDream. The physique and health of students arecloselyrelated to the future ofourcountry andournation.ZhaohopedthatYSUstudents wouldgo to the sports field whileworking ontheir studies,build uptheir physical fitness in sports competitions, andgetbetter in sports.

Flag-raising ceremony (Photo by Zhang Wenjuan from the News Center)

Dragon dance(Photo by HeJingru from the News Center)

Performance“YSU Beauty”(Photo by HeJingru from the News Center)

Performance“Glory and Dream”(Photo by CaiQiaoyi from the News Center)

Performance“Amazing YSU”(Photo by CaiQiaoyi from the News Center)
Themed“Youth and Sports”, the opening ceremony involved more than 2,000teachers and students spending a year designing it.The opening ceremony, lasting more than 30 minutes,was divided intofour chapters,whichis the largest and most abundant opening ceremonyever.

Hongmin Liu firesthe first shot for theSportsGames.(Photo by HeJingru from the News Center)

Fun game “PenguinWalk”(Photo by CaiQiaoyi from the News Center)

Running athletes (Photo by Ding Tao from the News Center)

Fun game “Train Running”(Photo by Gao Jing from the News Center)
After the opening ceremony, Liu Hongmin fired the first shot for theSportsGames, and theMen’s100m running ofSchool of Physical Educationstarted.The 47thSports Games added twofun events“Penguin Walk” and “Stand onOneLeg”.

The closing ceremony (Photo by Tan Tianying from the News Center)

Hu Tiewei hosts the closing ceremony. (Photo by Lu Jingke from the News Center)

Wang Dapengannouncesthe competition results.(Photo by Lu Jingke from the News Center)

Representatives of first eight units in student group receiveawards.(Photo by JiaMengwei from the News Center)

Representatives of first six units in faculty group receiveawards.(Photo by JiaMengwei from the News Center)

Wu Fengqingannouncesthe results of Sportsmanship Award.(Photo by Lu Jingke from the News Center)

Representatives of Sportsmanship Award-winning units receiveawards.(Photo by JiaMengwei from the News Center)
Onthe morning ofSept.30, the closing ceremonywashosted by Labor Union President Hu Tiewei. Wang Dapeng, the chief referee of the Games, announced the results of the competition. School of Mechanical Engineering ranked first in student group,Liren College ranked first in faculty group, andSchool of Electrical Engineeringranked second both in student andinfacultygroup.WuFengqing, leader of Sportsmanship Rating Group, announced the results of Sportsmanship Awards. School of Information Science and Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering,School of Science,School of Economics and Management,School of Mechanical Engineering,and Liren College won student Sportsmanship Awards; and School of Electrical Engineering,School of Information Science and Engineering,Logistics Group, Liren College,Library,andadministrations and won faculty Sportsmanship Awards. YSU leaders awarded trophies and medals to award-winning units.

Wang Baocheng speaks at the closing ceremony. (Photo by Lu Jingke from the News Center)
On behalf of school leaders, Baocheng Wang extended congratulations to excellent athletes and award-winning units, and gratitude to all referees, teachers and students.He said that theSportsGames not only examined the comprehensive strength of YSU physical education and sports, but also displayed the spirituality of all teachers and students. YSU has been strengthening the campus sport culture construction in recent years. The Sunshine Sports Program has gained remarkable effect and the sports culture was improved. He expressed his pleasure to see studentsand teachersleavetheirdorms,laboratories, and officesand join in the sports on the playground, and he hoped that students will make exercise a habit.
[Translated by Xing Tong]