[YSU News Center] At 11:00 a.m. (10:00 a.m. Novosibirsk time) of May 17, Yanshan University (YSU) and Polzunov Altai State Technical University Russia (AltSTU) jointly held an on-line signing ceremony for science and technology cooperation. YSU’s main venue for the ceremony is Conference Room 2103, Shiji Building. The participants include Zhao Dingxuan, President of YSU, Andre Markov, President of AltSTU, and Chen Guoqiang, Vice President of YSU.

On-line Signing Ceremony
(Photo by Cai Changshan, News Center, Office of International Cooperation)
President Markov extended heartfelt thanks to YSU on behalf of all the faculty members and students of AltSTU. He said that the recent two years have witnessed an active cooperation between AltSTU and YSU in the field of scientific research, with experts and scholars from both universities successfully obtaining the approval for international research cooperation projects. He expressed the hope that after this signing ceremony, both sides will further strengthen academic exchange between research personnel, identify more areas where research cooperation will be carried out, and elevate the science and technology cooperation and exchange to a new level.
President Zhao expressed sincere greetings to President Markov and all the faculty members and students of AltSTU. He pointed out that the exchange between both universities can be dated back to 1990s when both sides signed the first cooperation agreement. He added that both sides have been conducting friendly exchanges of teachers and students for more than twenty years. “The approval of this year’s international scientific research project under joint application by both universities signals that our cooperation moves up to a new level. Through today’s on-line signing ceremony, we will, on the basis of cooperation achievements made, further enrich the connotation of cooperation, share frontier research achievements, and pursue joint development. I hope that YSU and AltSTU will expand and raise the scope and level of cooperation, strengthen exchange and cooperation in joint building of advantageous disciplines, frontier technology cooperation and training of high-level talents with an international vision, jointly address new opportunities and challenges, and realize mutual benefit and win-win cooperation,” said President Zhao. In their closing remarks, the presidents of the two universities expressed the hope to win the battle against COVID-19 as early as possible, achieve an exchange of visits, and promote exchanges between teachers and students and research cooperation.
The on-line signing ceremony is also one of the results of YSU seizing the opportunity of the 2021 China·Langfang International Economic and Trade Fair to actively carry out high-level international education exchange and cooperation with foreign universities.
The on-line signing ceremony was also attended by Prouscolin Eugene, who is in charge of international affairs of AltSTU, Natalia Balishnikova, Deputy Director of International Education and Cooperation Division of AltSTU, Lu Jun, Director of YSU’s Office of International Cooperation, Zhu Hong, Deputy Director of YSU’s Office of International Cooperation, and Zhang Xiangrui from School of Foreign Studies of AltSTU, who acted as an interpreter for the ceremony, among others.
AltSTU, founded in 1943, is one of the famous institutions of higher learning in Russia. Its predecessor was Zaparozhsk Institute of Mechanics. AltSTU’s main campus is located in the southern city of Barnaul. With more than 15,000 students enrolled, AltSTU offers programs in such disciplines as architecture, computer systems and networks, mechanical engineering, design and manufacturing of composite materials, economics and management, etc.