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YSU Receives Prizes in Its First Digital Media and Creativity Competition

01 Dec , 2023

 On November 26, the national final of the 11th National College Students Digital Media Technology Works and Creativity Competition was concluded in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. More than a hundred universities from all over the country attended the event. Yanshan University (YSU) assigned a team to participate in this competition for the first time and achieved excellent results, winning 1 first prize, 2 third prizes in the national competition, and 8 third prizes in the North China region.

Award Ceremony

List of National Competition Award Winners (Source: Official Website of the 11th National College Students Digital Media Technology Works and Creativity Competition)

The work "Volleyball Entertainment Game Based on Virtual Reality Technology", guided by Professor Zhao Yanzhi and developed by students Qi Hantong, Zhang Bowen, Liu Jiawei etc., stood out in the competition, winning the first prize of the national competition and the Award of Excellent Guiding Teacher.

First Prize Award Certificate

First Prize Winner Qi Hantong (First from the Left)

The 11th National College Students Digital Media Technology Works and Creativity Competition 2023 was organized by the Organizing Committee of the Competition and the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence, and was included into the College Student Subject Competition Ranking of the 2023 China Association of Higher Education by the Ministry of Education. The competition follows the principle of "technology innovation leading the future, and creativity changing the era" and has attracted contestants from many world-class universities, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, universities in Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan, as well as overseas universities. The number and quality of works to the competition have been increasing year by year, and the competition has become an important competition for encouraging universities students to seek innovation and entrepreneurship, and improve their practical skills in the integration of technology and art. The Engineering Training Center of Yanshan University has undertaken a series of tasks such as training through university competition, team selection, and competition organization for this competition, and has helped the contestants get good results eventually with the strong support by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education and Guidance Center and relevant schools. Looking into the future, the center will, in response to President Xi Jinping’s call on youth innovation, entrepreneurship and creation, unswervingly continue to uphold the principle of educating people through practice and innovation, stick to promote the learning, teaching and innovation by participating in competitions, and constantly improve the YSU students’ capability of innovation and practice.