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Yanshan University Hosts the 2024 National Youth Tribology Conference

25 Apr , 2024

The 2024 National Youth Tribology Conference (NYTC) was held from April 20 to 23, 2024 in Qinhuangdao. The Conference is hosted by the Tribology Branch of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES), sponsored by Yanshan University (YSU), and co-hosted by 22 institutions including the State Key Laboratory of Tribology in Advanced Equipment at Tsinghua University. More than a thousand scientific and technological professionals, business representatives, graduate students and volunteers in the field of tribology from colleges and universities, research institutes and the business community all over the country attended the Conference. Zhao Xianfeng, Secretary of the CPC YSU Committee, Zhao Dingxuan, President of YSU, Wang Desong, Vice President of YSU, and Wang Dianlong, Vice President of YSU, attended the Conference.

Conference venue

The opening ceremony was presided over by Wang Dianlong, Vice President of Yanshan University. Zhao Xianfeng, Secretary of the CPC YSU Committee, Jiang Dong, Vice Chairman of Hebei Association for Science and Technology, Zhou Zhongrong, Director of the Tribology Branch of CSME, Zuo Xiaowei, Deputy Secretary General of CSME, and Xie Guoxin, Chairman of the organizing committee of the Youth Forum of the Tribology Branch of CSME, delivered speeches.

Zhao Xianfeng delivers the welcome speech

Wang Dianlong presides over the opening ceremony

Zhao Xianfeng introduced YSU’s talent cultivation and scientific research in the field of tribology. He said that China’s transition from a country with a large manufacturing industry to a strong manufacturing industry and the call for vigorously developing new quality productive forces have put forward new topics and higher requirements for tribology in the new era, and created larger space for development. NYTC is a widely recognized academic event with great influence and appeal in the industry. We are confident that the Conference will provide new insights and expand new paths for promoting academic development, exchange and cooperation in tribology.

Jiang Dong delivers a speech

Jiang Dong pointed out that the Conference is a high-level sci-tech event for the innovation and development of the tribology industry in Hebei Province, which is of great significance for promoting the technological innovation of the tribology-related industries. As a discipline with obvious interdisciplinary characteristics, tribology concerns many fields and aspects. Tribologists should vigorously develop the basic research of tribology and continuously promote the application of theoretical achievements in practical production.

Zhou Zhongrong delivers a speech

Zhou Zhongrong reviewed the development of NYTC, introduced the collaborative, pragmatic, persistent and enterprising spirits of the older generation of tribology professionals, and encouraged young professionals to carry forward these spirits to make greater contributions to the development of tribology in China.

Zuo Xiaowei delivers a speech

Zuo Xiaowei recognized the achievements of the Tribology Branch of CSME since its establishment, and encouraged the young participants to make full use of this rare opportunity to have in-depth exchanges, share research insights and experiences, discuss scientific research progress, brainstorm for innovations, and jointly contribute new ideas to the development of tribology in China.

Xie Guoxin delivers a speech

Xie Guoxin pointed out that young sci-tech talents are an important part of the country’s strategic talent force who are at their peak age of innovation. They should focus on national strategic needs, carry forward the spirit of innovation, carry out research on frontier scientific issues, and devote themselves to the development of China’s sci-tech cause with high morale. The organizing committee of the Youth Forum will continue to organize exchanges and communication among young tribology scholars to enhance their influence in the international tribology field .

Academician Luo Jianbin delivers a keynote report

Academician Wang Zhonglin delivers a keynote report

After the opening ceremony, Academician Luo Jianbin delivered a keynote report titled “Reflections on Scientific Research”. Academician Wang Zhonglin delivered a keynote report titled “High Entropy Energy and Systems Based on Triboelectric Nanogenerators”.

Song Kexing delivers a keynote report

Zhou Feng delivers a keynote report

Qian Linmao delivers a keynote report

Pu Jibin delivers a keynote report

Professor Song Kexing, Executive President of Henan Academy of Sciences, Zhou Feng, Researcher and Director of Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Qian Linmao, Dean of School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, and Pu Jibin, Researcher and Director of Key Laboratory of Marine Materials and Related Technologies, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered keynote reports.

Academic sessions

Ten academic sessions were arranged during the Conference on friction and wear of materials, lubrication and friction chemistry, coating, surface/interface tribology, micro-nano tribology and surface/interface tribology, bio tribology and lubrication, industrial tribology, marine tribology, tribological design and so on. A special forum on bearing tribology and a CPC branch exchange activity on “high-quality CPC building leading high-quality development of tribology” were also arranged. A total of 333 keynote reports, guest speeches and oral presentations as well as 60 poster presentations were organized during the Conference.

Campus visit and exchange activities

(Photos provided by the School of Mechanical Engineering)

After the Conference, the organizing committee arranged some participants to visit YSU’s History Museum, Mechanical Hall, National-Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Advanced Manufacturing, Forming Technology and Equipment, and Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science for National Defense of Mechanical Structure and Materials Science under Extreme Conditions. On-site exchanges were also carried out.

The Conference has provided a platform for tribology scholars from all over the country to share their research results and discuss frontier issues, and further promoted their academic exchanges and cooperation. It is of great significance in promoting the high-quality development of tribology in the great changes of the times.