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YSU Hosts the 11th Youth Forum on Materials and Structural Strength and Annual Meeting of the Youth Work Committee of the Materials Institution of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society

18 Jul , 2024

The 11th Youth Forum on Materials and Structural Strength and Annual Meeting of the Youth Work Committee of the Materials Institution of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES) was held in Qinhuangdao from July 15 to 17. The Forum was hosted by the Materials Institution of CMES and co-organized by YSU School of Mechanical Engineering, YSU National-Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Advanced Manufacturing, Forming Technology and Equipment, and the Key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacturing, Forming Technology and Science of the Ministry of Education. With the theme of "Excellent Performance and Industrial Upgrading", this meeting has attracted over 300 experts, professors, young scholars, enterprise representatives and graduate students in the fields of materials and structural strength across the country to Qinhuangdao to explore cutting-edge technologies, exchange ideas and jointly plan for the new developments in the discipline.

Sun Dan, Vice President of the Materials Institution of CMES and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Shanghai Research Institute of Materials Co., Ltd., Lu Jingjuan, Deputy Director of the Materials Institution of CMES and Deputy Director of the Journal and Exhibition Department of Shanghai Research Institute of Materials Co., Ltd., Professor Magd Abdel Wahab from Ghent University, Belgium, Professor Zhang Xiancheng from East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), and Professor Lin Yongcheng from Central South University were invited to the Forum. Wang Desong, Vice President of YSU, and Peng Yan, Dean of YSU School of Mechanical Engineering, were also present at the Forum.

A group photo taken at the Forum

The opening ceremony was hosted by Professor Liu Xingang from YSU School of Mechanical Engineering. Wang Desong, Vice President of YSU, and Sun Dan, Vice President of the Materials Institution of CMES, delivered speeches.

Wang Desong delivers a speech

Sun Dan delivers a speech

In his speech, Vice President Wang Desong expressed his gratitude and welcome to the experts attending the Forum, stating that research in materials science and structural strength is of great significance to the development of the high-end equipment manufacturing industry in China. He emphasized that the university will continue to prioritize the cultivation of young talent, support the construction of related disciplines, and actively participate in the work of CMES.

Vice President Sun Dan, on behalf of the Materials Institution, expressed gratitude to the guests and the organizing committee, and acknowledged the outstanding contributions made by the Youth Forum on Materials and Structural Strength to the development of the discipline over the past decade. He encouraged young talents to focus on scientific research, make steady progress, and work together to promote the prosperity and development of the discipline of materials and structural strength.

The opening ceremony also included the ceremony of awarding appointment letters to new members of the CMES Youth Work Committee.

Appointment letters awarding ceremony

Following the opening ceremony, Professor Zhang Xiancheng from ECUST, Professor Magd Abdel Wahab from Ghent University, Belgium, Professor Wen Bin from YSU, Professor Wang Tao from Taiyuan University of Technology, Professor Chen Haofeng from ECUST, and Professor Chen Gang from Tianjin University (TJU) delivered keynote reports. The keynote report session was chaired by Professor Chen Gang from TJU and Professor Peng Yan from YSU.

Zhang Xiancheng delivers a keynote report

Magd Abdel Wahab delivers a keynote report

Wen Bin delivers a keynote report

Wang Tao delivers a keynote report

Chen Haofeng delivers a keynote report

Chen Gang delivers a keynote report

The Forum featured 8 academic sessions on a wide range of topics including digital modeling and reliability, fatigue and fracture theory and applications, multi-scale fracture mechanics and damage, material deformation and constitutive modeling, characterization and detection technologies, functional material design and development, advanced technology for component forming, life design and prediction methods, and reliable manufacturing. A total of 112 academic reports were delivered. An innovative "Youth Research Forum" for graduate students was launched at the meeting, where 44 graduate students presented their research findings.

Academic sessions

Professor Chen Gang, Chairman of the Youth Work Committee of CMES, chaired the closing ceremony, where a summary of the reports from the academic sessions and the "Youth Research Forum" was made. A total of 22 excellent reports from the academic sessions and 18 excellent reports from the "Youth Research Forum" were selected. At the end of the closing ceremony, Professor Wang Gang from Zhengzhou University, the host of the next Forum, introduced the preparations for the event.

Chen Gang chairs the closing ceremony

Awarding ceremony at the closing ceremony

Wang Gang introduces the preparations for the next Forum

After the Forum, attendees visited the History Museum, Mechanical Engineering Hall, and National-Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Advanced Manufacturing, Forming Technology and Equipment at YSU.

Campus tour

This Forum fully showcased the latest research findings in the field of materials and structural strength, provided a platform for young scholars and technical personnel to exchange ideas and cooperate, and injected new vitality into the innovative development of related disciplines, industry transformation and industrial upgrading.