[News from News Center] The lists of the deputies to the 13thNational People's Congress (NPC) and the members of 13thNational Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) were released recently. YSU Prof. Yongjun Tian was elected NPC Deputy and Prof. Fucheng Zhang the member of the CPPCC National Committee.
On Feb. 24th, the 33rdSession of the 12thStanding Committee of the NPC approved the credential report for the 13thNPC Deputies from the Credentials Committee, the 12thStanding Committee of the NPC, which confirmed and unveiled 2,980 deputies to the 13thNPC. Academician of CAS Prof. Yongjun Tian of YSU was included.
Yongjun Tian, born in March 1963, is a member of the CPC, a professor and PhD Supervisor at YSU School of Materials Science and Engineering, the winner of National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar, the Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Talents Project Leading Talent under National High-level Personnel of Special Support Program, the German Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, a Hebei high-level talent, a provincial excellent expert, a Hebei Young and Middle-Aged Expert with Outstanding Contribution and the winner of 2016 Hebei Outstanding Contribution Award in Science & Technology. Prof. Tian once won Second Prize of National Natural Science in 2011. His research achievements were selected as the Top 10 National Science Progress in 2013 and the Top 10 Science & Technology Progress of Colleges and Universities in China respectively. In 2017, Tian was elected the academician of China Academy of Sciences.
On Jan. 24th, the 24thSession of the Standing Committee of 12thCPPCC National Committee approved the list of the 13thCPPCC National Committee members summing to 2,158. YSU Prof. Fucheng Zhang was elected the member of the CPPCC National Committee.
Fucheng Zhang, born in 1964, is a professor and PhD Supervisor at YSU, School of Materials Science and Engineering, the winner of National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar, Domain Expert of National 863 Program, a state-level talent of New Century Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Talents Project, a Hebei high-level talent, the leading talent of Hebei Giant Program, the Hebei Young and Middle-Aged Expert with Outstanding Contribution and a Hebei New Century Thirty-Three Hundred-Three Thousand Talents Program talent. Prof. Zhang is now the Vice President of YSU, the Vice Chairman of China Democratic League Hebei Committee and a member of the 12thCPPCC National Committee. He won the Second Prize of National Award for Technological Progress in 2002 and the Second Prize of National Award for Technological Invention in 2017.
(Translated by Zhengjie Li)