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2023 International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application of Metastable Material Science and Technology & Metastable Material Forum Was Held in Qinhuangdao

31 Oct , 2023

On October 27-29, the “2023 International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application of Metastable Material Science and Technology & Metastable Material Forum”, sponsored by the National Center for Schooling Development Programme, Hebei Education Department, and jointly organized by School of Materials Science and Engineering and State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology, was held in Qinhuangdao. The meeting focused on metastable materials, a hot research field in international material science, and invited famous experts at home and abroad to make plenary talks, communicate and discuss projects related to metastable material science research. President Zhao Dingxuan and Vice President Wang Limin of Yanshan University attended the conference. Major principals of School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Information Science and Engineering, School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, and School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics participated in the meeting.

The Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony of the conference was chaired by Zhang Xinyu, the President of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Yanshan University. Hou Jianguo, the Deputy Director-General of Hebei Education Department, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the sponsors. Starting from the important role of metastable materials, he expressed support of Hebei Education Department to the scientific research in the field. Based on the relevant policies of Hebei Education Department regarding industry, education, research and application, he expressed expectations for technical research in related fields of metastable materials and development in international cooperation and integration of industry, education, research and application.

Speech by Hou Jianguo

Subsequently, Zhao Dingxuan expressed sincere welcome to domestic and foreign scholars attending the conference, conveyed heartfelt thanks to friends from all walks of life who have been caring for and supporting the development of Yanshan University over the years, and briefly introduced Yanshan Universitys historical evolution, school-running characteristics and the main research results achieved in the field of material science. He expressed the hope that the conference could further focus on core scientific issues and key technologies, deepen academic exchange and cooperation, advance the integrated development of industry, education, research and application, and facilitate the implementation of innovation-driven development strategies.

Speech by Zhao Dingxuan

More than 200 experts, scholars and researchers from famous institutes at home and abroad, including Australia, Spain, Sweden, Thailand got together to conduct in-depth exchange and cooperation on core scientific issues and key technologies regarding metastable materials, thereby jointly advancing discipline construction and integrated development of industry, education, research and application. During the conference, Professor Javier Llorca, academician of European Academy of Sciences, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Professor Liu Yinong of the University of Western Australia, Professor Qin Jiaqian of Chulalongkorn University, Professor Liu Yongchang of Tianjin University, Professor Wang Huiyuan, Vice President of Hebei University of Technology, Professor Wu Yuan of University of Science and Technology Beijing, Professor Sui Jiehe of Harbin Institute of Technology, Professor Liu Hui of Tianjin University, researcher Huo Juntao of Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professors Wen Bin, Zou Lianfeng and Zhang Liqiang of Yanshan University made plenary talks and conducted thorough discussions.

Wang Limin presided over plenary talks

Plenary talks

Participants group photo

In recent years, Yanshan University consistently strengthened scientific cooperation and innovation at home and abroad, making obvious progress in multiple aspects such as talent team, scientific research and international development. The opening of the conference provides an international communication platform for our researchers, and enables future academic cooperation and research to find new thoughts and broaden channels. In the future, Yanshan University will vigorously strengthen scientific research cooperation and international construction, foster and produce more iconic results, thereby contributing to the construction of a domestically first-class and internationally-renowned research-based university with distinctive features.