Topic:How are scientific conclusions obtained?
Time: 6:15p.m., Sept. 20, 2016
Venue: conference room 101, Building A of Electrical Engineering
Reporter: Zexian Cao
The Abstract of the Report:
The report will analyze the history, methods, and influence of major scientific discoveries, including the confirmation that diamond is carbon, the coupling of the first and second law of thermodynamics, Kepler’s laws, the study of the structure of atoms through chemical reaction, the early Quantum Mechanics and the theory of Relativity, thus demonstrating the picture of how scientific conclusions are obtained.
ZexianCao, born in 1966, graduated from the department of Physics, USTC(University ofScience and Technology of China), got his PhD in Physics in KaiserslauternUniversity in Germany. He has been working for the Institute of Physics of theChinese Academy of Science (CAS) since 1998. Mr. Cao was elected into theHundred Talent Program of CAS. He has also published over 100 research articleson international magazines includingScience, APL, PNAS, AdvmatandNatureseries along with nearly 200 education papers on physics and Material Sciencein Chinese. He edited, translated and authored a number of books includingWeighingevery Word in Physics(threevolumes),Too Beautiful to Be Visible,the Extraordinary Thinking, QuantumMechanics for Teenagers.Mr. Cao is now a researcher in the Instituteof Physicsof the CAS, columnist forPhysicsandMr. Sciencemagazines, and aneditorial member of certain magazines likePhys. Status Solidi.
Collegeof Science
Sept.18, 2016