【News from News Center】Led by YSU Vice President Xiangdong Kong, over 30 teachers and students from the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering attended the 9th International Conference on Fluid Power Transmission and Control (ICFP 2017) held in Zhejiang University, Hangzhou from Apr. 11thto 13th. The conference was organized by the State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic System, Zhejiang University. Prof. Yongxiang Lu, honorary Chairman of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, and academician of both the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, is the honorary Chairman of the conference. Over 170 experts and scholars at home and abroad attended the conference, 108 academic papers submitted from 11 countries and regions of the world. YSU teachers and students published 16 academic papers at the conference.

The group photo of YSU delegation
Prof. Xiangdong Kong and Prof. Dianrong Gao were invited to attend 2017 AnnualFrontier Symposiumof Fluid Power hosted by the branch of China Mechanical Engineering Society of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, and they discussed the development of fluid power transmission and control technology in China with other experts. The conference fully demonstrated YSU research and application achievements in the field of fluid power transmission and control, which further consolidated and expanded the impact of YSU.

The group photo ofrepresentatives of2017 Annual Frontier Symposium of Fluid Power
(The photos are provided by School of Mechanical Engineering)
IFCP, known as the "Olympic" in the field of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, is one of the four most important international conferences in the field of fluid power. Since 1985, IFCP has successfully been held every four years for eight sessions in Hangzhou and has become an important platform for academic exchanges in the field of Fluid Power Transmission and Control.