[News from News Center] Serial LecturesE-resources Benefits Teachers and Students in Learning and Researchwere held by YSU Library, together with School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, School of Information Science and Engineering, School of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, and School of Economics and Management. 10 lectures were held and 900 teachers and students attended.
Experts were invited to different schools to present in-depth interpretations on Elsevier SD periodical full-text database, IEEE (IEL), Springer, SciFinder, Emerald and DRCNET.com database. They covered current hot spots of database utilization in domestic universities, including: academic resources benefiting scientific research, processing and storage of scientific research information, requirements of academic paper, procedures of paper publication, and guidance for paper submission.

The lecture at the School of Electrical Engineering

The lecture at the School of Mechanical Engineering
(The photos are provided by YSU library.)
The lectures, one of 2017 library E-resources promotion activities, aim to help teachers and students to gain a better understanding of library database resources and conduct academic research with the databases YSU bought, which is a good way to increase utilization of E-resources and improve library service.
The lectures were supported by all schools in terms of participation and venue arrangement, and praised by participants through questionnaire feedback. In addition, teachers and students gave suggestions to the library, including: covering more databases in future lectures, using a variety of promotion methods, and providing better services and support, which will drive the library to work better for the teachers and students.