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President Liu Hongmin Heads a Delegation to Visit TYUT and TYUST

02 Apr , 2018

[News from the News Center] On March 30, YSU President Liu Hongmin, and YSU Vice President Kong Xiangdong, , led a delegation consisting of the leaders from the Department of Science and Technology,National Engineering Research Center forEquipment and Technology of Cold Strip Rollingand YSU President Office to pay a visit anddo research and investigation atTaiyuan University of Technology(TYUT) andTaiyuan University of Science and Technology(TYUST). YSU delegation had a meeting with Wu Yucheng,TYUTParty Secretary, Huang Qingxue,TYUTPresident, and Zuo Liang,TYUSTPresident, and exchanged ideas on comprehensivereform, curriculum development,scientific and technological innovationamong others.

The campustour

The delegation is visiting theexhibitionofthe ideological and political work.

AtTYUT, YSU delegation headed by Liu Hongmin, Kong Xiangdong was warmly welcomed by Wu Yucheng, Huang Qingxue and otherTYUTstaff.Theymade cordial and friendly exchangesand examined into the particulars mainly with regard tothe training oftalents, the reform of scientific research management system and scientific and technological innovation.On behalf ofYSU,Liu Hongminextended congratulationsto HuangQingxue, an alumnus graduating from YSU (Northest Heavy Machinery College) in 1984, for beingelected academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.Liu Hongminalso expressed that YSU would invite Huang Qingxueas a visiting professor once again. During thevisit,YSU delegationalsovisited theexhibitionofthe ideological and political workand madesurveyat Teacher &Student Entrepreneurship Center, theKey Laboratory ofCoal Science andTechnology by Ministry of Education and Shanxi Province, and the CoalMining Technology Instituteamong others.

The meeting session

Liu Hongmin speaks at the meeting.

Zuo Liang speaks at the meeting.

(Photos above from YSU President Office)

At TYUST, YSU delegation had an in-depth discussion and exchanged some ideas with Zuo Liang, TYUST President, JinXiurong, TYUST Vice President and leaders from TYUST Office of Science and Technology and HeavyMechanicalEngineeringCenter. Zuo Liang introduced the university at large and recentworkfocusTYUST. TYUST isstrengtheningits comprehensiveconstruction by adjusting the discipline layout, creating professional characteristics and changing the modeof education in orderto improveitseducationquality. Liu Hongmin reviewed the history offruitfulexchanges between the twouniversitiesand introduced theYSU and itskey work in recent yearsof YSU.Directors from TYUSTintroducedthe managementofscientificresearch and constructionoftechnology innovationplatforms. Both sides have conducted in-depthexchangeson the characteristics ofTYUST’s education, new engineeringcurriculumconstruction,theadjustmentof subjects on curriculum, scientific research management and transformation of research achievements.

This researchand investigationnot onlypromotedthe communication and friendship betweenYSUandTYUT, TYUST, but also providedsome significantreference for the next research management system reform and scientific and technological innovationat YSU.

(Translated by Xing Tong)