[News from the News Center] Several days ago, The Feasibility Study of Constructing and Operating YSUHebei Key Laboratory of Special VehicleDesign and Manufacture was Accepted.The construction of laboratory was supported by YSU.In order to meet theChina’smajor needs and further highlight its characteristics, the laboratory was officially renamed Hebei Key Laboratory of Special DeliveryEquipmentaccording to the recommendations of the expert group and the consent of the higher authorities.

The meeting

Zhao Dingxuan reports the construction and operation plan.
Organized by HebeiScienceand Technology Department, Hebei Finance Department, Hebei Development and Reform Commission, the meeting forargumentationof thelaboratorywas held at YSU. Li Zhiping, Director of Platform and Infrastructure Office, and Liang Chao,associate researcherfrom HebeiScienceand Technology Department, Song Shuquan, Deputy Director, and Chen Yan,section chiefof Qinhuangdao Science and Technology Bureau, and Zhao Dingxuan, YSU Vice President and Director of the keylaboratory, and leaders from YSU Science and Technology Research Institute, YSUSchool of Vehicle and Energy, and YSU keylaboratoryattended the meeting.
The members of expert group are fromNational Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC),Beihang University,Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co., Ltd,Tongji University,LiuGong Machinery Co., Ltd.,MilitaryTransportation University, and PLA Technology University, with Lei Yuanzhong,researcherat NSFC, as the leader of the group.The expert group conducted detailedargumentationon the target positioning, research direction and content, organization structure and operation management, laboratory conditions and team construction, fund investment and safeguard measures, work plan and assessment target of the laboratory construction and operation implementation planand they paid a fieldreviewto thelaboratory.

The expert group visits the laboratory.

Li Zhiping speaks at the meeting.
(Photos above fromScience and Technology Research Institute)
Li Zhiping affirmed the basic conditions of the construction of the laboratory, and put forward suggestions from system construction, content management, result transformation, personnel training, and goal planning. He hoped that the laboratory would continue to make persistent efforts to continuously improve the level of construction,give full play to the scientific and technological innovation platform, andpromotescientific and technological innovation and economic and social development in Hebei Province.
(Translated by Xing Tong)