[News from the News Center] On Aug. 25th, the opening ceremony of 2018 InternationalSymposiumofComparativeLanguage andCulturewas held at the 4thfloor, Building of Humanism. The symposium was organized by YSUSchool of Foreign Studiesand AcademyofComparativeLanguage andCulture.The symposiumattractedmany teachers from more than 20 universities and colleges includingHiroshima University,Capital Normal University,Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao, HebeiUniversity,Hebei Normal University,Shanxi University,Guangxi University,Southwest University of Science and Technology, andTokyo Metropolitan University.

The symposium

(Photos above from School of Foreign Studies)
The opening ceremony washosted by Professor ShenXiuyi,Director oftheDepartmentofJapaneselanguage. YSU Vice PresidentKong Xiangdong spoke at the opening ceremony, expressing warm welcome and sincere greetings to all the experts and guests present, and pointed out that experts and scholars at home and abroadwouldbringus a feast of thought and academy.YSUwouldtakesymposiumas an opportunitytogather academic resources, broaden our horizons, promote friendship, inspire innovation, seek new ideas and develop new ways for social science research and international cooperationofhumanities.
Then,VicePresidentof Hiroshima University and President of theAcademy of Comparative Language andCulture recalled the history of inter-school exchanges between Hiroshima University andYSU, and said that thisinternationalsymposium would further deepen academic exchanges between the twouniversities. Finally, Wang Linhai,Dean ofSchool ofForeignStudies, briefed the guests on theSchoolsituation. He pointed out that this internationalsymposium not only hadgreat significance for us to promote our own research level and enhance the international perspective, but also providedus with the opportunity to exchange and cooperate with colleagues at home and abroad in language and culture research.
The symposium aims at promoting the development of comparative language and comparative culture at home and abroad, probing into the development direction of Japanese and English teaching under cross-cultural background, exploring the reform of intercultural teaching system and evaluating system of research achievements, providingaplatformforexchanges betweenresearchersofcomparative language and culture at home and abroad, and conducting in-depth communication and discussion for JapaneseandEnglish teaching reformin China.
(Translated by Xing Tong)