[News from the News Center] This March 5 marks the 56thanniversaryoflearningfrom Comrade Lei Feng.In order tocarry forward the spirit of Lei Feng and spread the positive energy of “learningfromLei Feng,servingothers and improving oneself”, Communist Youth LeagueYSU CommitteeorganizedYSUyoungvolunteers toengage in thelearn-from-Lei Feng activities.

Cleaningupsticker ads

Cleaning the garbage bins

Tidying up campus bicycles
(Photos above fromCommunist Youth LeagueYSU Committee)
Fromthe beginning of March, thousands of studentsincluding those from Young Volunteers AssociationofYSU and of each schoolvolunteered innearly 100service activitiesintheir spare time:cleaning the garbage bins, tidying upbicycles,cleaningblackboards,visitingcampussecurityandsupervisorsof dorm,cleaning upsticker ads,rearranging desks and chairs in the classroom,providing hotwater for teachers and students,setting up“four o’clock classroom”, and holdhandwritten newspaper competition, etc.Theseonline and offlineactivities in various formsarouse students’awarenessto join volunteer services, promote public benefitfrom everyday things, and appreciate the joyinvolunteering.
General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasizesthat “Lei Feng is a model of the times, and the spirit of Lei Feng isnever out of fashion.”“One cannot be any more kind if he alwaysdoessomething good even though it may be small.” For many years,YSUyoung students have carried out various activitiesforvoluntaryservicetoinheritand promotethe spirit of Lei Feng. “Lei FengSpirit”voluntaryservicehas formedacharacteristic brandof YSU.Supported bythe schoolandserving the beautification ofQinhuangdao, “Lei FengSpirit”voluntaryservice has becomea regular activityofYSUyoung students.
[Translated by Xing Tong]