[News from the News Center] On May 4, the Central Committee of the Communist Young Leaguereleased the list of 2018 national excellent member, cadre, and committee (branch) of Communist Youth League. Wang Shaowei, junior student of YSUSchool of Humanities and Law, was awarded national excellent member of Communist Youth League. A total of 295people from all over the countrywere awardedthis title. Wang Shaowei is one of theonlytwo undergraduate students in Hebei Province who received this honor.
Wang Shaowei’s profile: Male, Han,probationaryParty member, monitor of ClassLaw16-3 and deputy secretary of the class committee of the Communist Youth League, vice president of YSU Student Union.He has won 18 awards or honors at theuniversitylevel and above includingHebei Provincialmerit student andYSU model of the member of the CommunistYouth League.

Wang Shaowei

The announcement of theCentral Committee of the Communist Young League

The list of 2018 national excellent member of Communist Youth League
(Photos above from YSU Committee of the Communist Youth League)
As a collegestudent,Wang Shaoweihas alwaysgiventop prioritytolearningandwonscholarship for five consecutive semesters. As a student cadre, he has taken responsibility for the youth in the new era and organizedmany large-scale campus activities, includingFreshmen Gala,“Voice of YSU”-- Campus Singing Competition,Competitionand Meetingfor Student Proposal, Chaoxi Cup DebateCompetition, and GourmetFestival.Theofficialaccount ofStudent Union’s DepartmentofRightsand Interesthasseen a sharpincreasein his charge,hisclasswas awarded“YSUEminent Class”, andthe class committee of the Communist Youth Leaguewon “YSUEminentBranch of Communist Youth League” for three consecutive years. Besides, he also participated in many innovation practices, and won the first prizein“Creating Youth” National College Student Entrepreneurship Competition in Hebei Province in 2018, and theoutstandingaward for the College StudentInnovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program.Last but not least, he actively participated inlots ofvoluntaryservicesuch as volunteering inQinhuangdao International Marathon,supporting education,andpopularizinglegal education. Hehasreservedmore than 200 hours in “YSU Love Bank”.
General Secretary XiJinping noted that“the youth is the future of the country and the future of the world”and that“it is the task ofcontemporary Chinese youthto be concerned about the future of the country, the destiny of the nation, and the happiness of the people”. YSU Committee of the Communist Youth Leaguewill devote greater effortinsetting good examples ofyoung people and tellingthe story ofthem, and helpYSU studentsleavetheirfootprints in the journey of building, pursuing and realizing theirdreamswith theirown actions.
[Translated by Xing Tong]