[News from the News Center] At 8:30, Sept. 10, YSU held the conference on the 35thTeachers’Day to grant awards to theeminentindividuals andcollectives. Zhao Xianfeng, Zhao Dingxuan, Xie Yan’an, Huang Sheng, Li Rong, Zhao Yongsheng, Wang Baocheng, Ren Jiadong, Yu Shujiang, Zhang Lifeng attended the conference witheminentindividuals andcollectives, representatives of teachers, students and new teachers.The conference was presided over by Zhao Dingxuan, YSU President.
Huang Sheng, YSU Deputy Party Secretary, Zhao Yongsheng, YSU Vice President, and Wang Baocheng, YSU Vice President, announced the lists of theeminentindividuals andcollectives, respectively.

The conference in session

Shi Yanguo is awarded“National Excellent Teacher”.

TheSchool of Mechanical Engineeringis awarded“National Eminent Collective”.

Xie Ping, Yao Jiantao and Chai Yong are awarded“Hebei Outstanding Teacher”.

Yao Jiantao is awarded“Hebei Educator Model”.

Winners (part) ofHebei Higher Education Achievement Awards

Wang Limin is awarded“HebeiTeacher EthicsModel”.

MengZong and Guo Wei are awarded“QinhuangdaoTeacher EthicsModel”.

Wang Limin, Wang Hongyan, Hu Yuda, and Yao Jingare awarded“YSU 2017-2018Teacher EthicsModel”.

Winners (parts) of“YSUTeacher EthicsEminent Individuals”

TheSchool of Mechanical Engineeringand theSchool of Information Science and Engineering(School of Software) are awarded“YSUTeacher EthicsEminent Collectives”.

Winners (part) of“YSU Teaching Model”

Winners of“YSU Outstanding Teacher”
Shi Yanguowasawarded “National Excellent Teacher”;The School of Mechanical Engineeringwasawarded “NationalEminentCollective”; Shi Yanguo and other 7 teachers were awarded“2018 National TeachingAchievement Awards”;Xie Ping, Yao Jiantao and Chai Yongwereawarded “Hebei Outstanding Teacher”;Yao Jiantaowasawarded “Hebei Educator Model”; 70 teachers including Shi Yanguo won the 7thHebei Higher Education Achievement Awards;Wang Limin is awarded “HebeiTeacherEthics Model”;MengZong and Guo Weiwereawarded “QinhuangdaoTeacherEthics Model”;Wang Limin, Wang Hongyan, Hu Yuda, and Yao Jingwereawarded “YSU 2017-2018TeacherEthics Model”; 30 teachers were awarded“YSU2017-2018EthicsEminentIndividual”;TheSchool of Mechanical Engineering andtheSchool of Information Science and Engineering (School of Software)wereawarded “YSU EthicsEminentCollectives”; Li Qiurong, Gao Dianrong, Zhao Bingli, and Xu Yumin were awarded“YSU Teaching Achievement Awards”; Wang Xinhua and other 20 teachers were awarded““YSU Teaching Model”;Liu Yanyan and other 4 teachers were awarded“YSU YoungTeaching Model”; Xie Ping and other 5 teachers were awarded“YSU Outstanding Teacher”.

Prof. Xie Ping from theSchool of Electrical Engineering, winner of“Hebei Outstanding Teacher”, speaks on behalf of the eminent teachers.

Dong Guojiang, Party Secretary of theSchool of Mechanical Engineering, speaks on behalf of the eminent collectives.

Zhou Xiangfeng, teacher from theSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, speaks on behalf onthe newemployees.

Wang Shaowei, student from theSchool of Humanities and Law, speaks on behalf of the students.
(Photos above by Lu Jingke and Li Yuanbo, the News Center)
At the conference,Prof. Xie Ping from the School of Electrical Engineering, winner of “Hebei Outstanding Teacher”, speaks on behalf of the eminent teachers;Dong Guojiang, Party Secretary of the School of Mechanical Engineering, speaks on behalf of the eminent collectives;Zhou Xiangfeng, teacher from the School of Materials Science and Engineering, speaks on behalf on the new employees;Wang Shaowei, student from the School of Humanities and Law, speaks on behalf of the students.
Prof.Xie Pingshared herownexperienceinteaching and researchincluding how to establish teacher’s ethics, how tostay true to your original self, and how care for and educate students.Dong Guojiangreported the work of the School ofMechanicalEngineering on how to remain true to theoriginal aspirationin the past, how tokeepthemission firmly in mind, and how to forge ahead in the future.ZhouXiangfengtalked abouthis original intentionto choose YSU,his college lifeat YSUandhisprospectsfor the future.He expressed that he was satisfied with the conditions at YSU that he woulddo his job well in the future andmadehisasgreatcontribution as he canto YSU’s“Double First-Class” construction. Wang Shaoweiextended best wishes and gratitudeto the teachers. He said that as a student, it is necessary to keep in mind the teacher’sinstructions,andwork hard to thank the teachers with practical actions; besides, as aYSU student, heis supposedtofeelresponsiblein the “Double First-Class”construction, carry forward the spirit ofYSUandrepaythe alma mater and the motherland.
An oath-taking section was held at the conference, wherenew faculty representatives who have been employed since 2017tookan oath.
Zhao Xianfeng,YSU Party Secretary,delivered a speechat theconference. On behalf of theYSUPartyCommittee, hesentawarmgreeting to all the faculty,expressed congratulations to theeminentcollectives and individuals, showed welcome to the new teachers, andextendedhisbest wishes to theelderteachers, leaders and comrades whohadmade important contributions to the development of theuniversity. Zhao sincerely thankedtheoutstanding teachers who havebeenworkinghard and dedicatedly in teaching and educating people, in scientific research, and in management services, forgoodnessroots ineducation, andeducationentirelydepends onthe teacher. He said that in the first half of the year,YSU hadsuccessfully held the fourthYSUCongressof CPC,which setnew goalsfor runningthe university andproposednew ways,strategies andmeasures.The blueprint has beendrafted, and now it is time we shouldtake on our responsibility and missions. He pointed out thatteachersarethe main body of the university,andtheirquality directly determines the ability and level oftheeducation. To build a “Double First-Class” and research university, a first-class teaching teamis of great significance.Zhao put forward three requirements for the teachers and expected them to befirst-class teachersandbetter strengthen moral education and cultivate people. Hehopedthat theteachingfaculty and staff will carry forward thespiritsof perseverance andpatriotism,strive to cultivate people who are capable ofundertaking the responsibility ofnational rejuvenation, and forge ahead toaccelerateYSU’s“DoubleFirst-Class” construction.
[Translated by Xing Tong]