[News from the News Center]Recently, Wang Dongfeng,Secretary ofHebeiProvincial Party Committeeand Director of theStanding Committee ofHebeiProvincial People’s Congress, visit YSU for field research. He stressed that YSU shouldconductin-depth studyandimplementation ofGeneral Secretary Xi Jinping’s major policy addressesandmajor decisions andarrangements of theCPCCentral Committee,carryout in earnest activitiestoenable Party membersto remain true totheoriginal aspiration and keepthemission firmly in mind, accelerate the construction of aworld-class universityand first-class disciplines, andmake new and greater contributions toa country and province of innovators. Xu Qin, DeputySecretary of Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Hebei Province, also attended the activities.

Wang Dongfeng and Xu Qin visit YSU for field research. (Photographed by Zhao Wei, Hebei Daily)
AttheMeta-stable Materials Science and Technology State Key Laboratoryand theSchool of Mechanical Engineering,Wang Dongfeng and Xu Qin visitedthefacultyandworkersin science and technology, and watched the demonstration of scientific and technological innovations. They also hosted a symposium to listen tothe reports of YSU leadership, Academician Tian Yongjun and other leading talents in science and technology,and leaders of therelevant departments ofQinhuangdao and the province,and madecoordinationand gave solutions to the difficulties.
Wang Dongfeng pointed out thatasa well-known university at home and abroad, YSUhassolidstrength in personnel training, basic subject research, and transformationofscientific and technological achievements, and has mademajorcontributions to scientific and technological innovation in Hebei and even the whole country. It is necessary to give play toitscomparative advantages, deepen education reform, strengthen independent innovation, and strive to take the lead in the “DoubleFirst-class”construction.
Wang Dongfeng emphasized that it is necessary tostickto innovation theory and activelyget involvedinmajor national strategies. General Secretary Xi JinpingcaresHebeivery much.He has paid 7inspection visitssince the 18thNational Congress of the Communist Party of China, haspromoted three major strategies:the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebeiregion,planning and constructionofXiongan New Area, andpreparationsfor Beijing 2022Winter Olympic Games, which providean important period of strategic opportunityfor Hebei’s development.YSUteachers and students shouldview the situationin big-picture terms,shouldertheir ownresponsibility,andconsciouslyalign themselves with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and use it to guide practice and advance work, andoffer services and support for the country’s major strategies.
Wang Dongfengstressedthat it is necessary to deepen the reform of the comprehensive education system and speed up the pace of “double first-class”construction. In orderto provide education that our people are satisfied with, it is necessary tofocus more onthe reform of the institutional mechanism of universities, formulate and improve the incentive policies,and givegreat autonomy tothescientists and researchers.Besides,Qinhuangdao MunicipalPartyCommittee,QinhuangdaoMunicipal Government and the relevant departments ofHebeiprovince shouldprovide moresupportandservices forYSU, give full play toYSU’ comparative advantagesinengineering, new materials, chemistry and machinery manufacturing, and fosterastrong synergy in the “double first-class”constructiontopromote the innovative and high-quality development ofYSU.
Wang Dongfengpointed out thatit is necessary topromotethecooperationofindustry,university, and institute, and boostthe independent innovation and transformation of scientific achievements. In order to build aworld-classuniversity, it is necessary to focus on the country’s major strategies, concentrate on scientific and technological researchof keytechnology, and strive to fill vacancies in domestic areas. Weshouldcoordinatethecooperationofindustry,university, and institute, sort out the industrial chain, innovation chain, technology chain, and value chain, and make full use ofresearchinstitutesofindustrial technology, centersfordisplay,transactionandtransformationofscientific and technological achievements, industrial development funds and other innovation platforms to accelerate the transformationandindustrializationof scientific and technological achievements, and toprovide strong scientific and technological support for economic and social development. Weshouldcontinuecultivating and introducing high-end talentsandinvigoratethe creativityof teachers, students and researchers.We shouldstrengthenwork onthe training and introduction of talentsbasedon the teaching and innovation platforms such as the State Key Laboratory, and retaintalentswithpromisingcareers,sincerefeelings,andgeneroustreatment, thusprovidinga good environment for innovation and entrepreneurship for academicians, experts and otherhigh-end talents.
Wang Dongfengnotedthat it is necessary to adhere tothe principal accountability system under the leadership of the Party committee, andlaunch campaigns onspecifictheme.It is necessary to take the re-election ofYSU Party committee as a new opportunity, adhere to and strengthen theParty’s overall leadership over all workofthe university, strengthen the party building and strengthen its power to unite, and energy to fight.Weshould prepare well for thesecondroundof campaigns onspecifictheme,takein-depth inspection and analysis, focus onandsolveprominent problems, and move further forward with the full and rigorous governance over the Party,which willprovide strong political guarantees, organizational guarantees, and discipline guarantees for the “double first-class” construction.
Xu Qin pointed out thatYSUshould adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously implement the important expositionsof General SecretaryXiJinping on education and scientific and technological innovation,carryout in earnest activitiestoenable Party membersto remain true totheoriginal aspiration and keepthemission firmly in mind, cultivate people for the Party and the country, and provide strong intellectual and technical support for the Chinese dream ofthe great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is necessary toputqualityfirst, optimizedisciplines,makebreakthroughsinscientific research, promote interdisciplinary integrationandthetransformationof scientific researchachievements, and strive to achieve a newbreakthroughsin mechanical engineeringand othertraditionalfields. It is necessary to grasp the important period of strategic opportunityfor Hebei’s development, deepen the reform of education and teaching, pursueachievementsin scientific research and education withendeavors inreforms and development, and achieve the hard work of research and education, reform and development, and make new contributions to the transformation,upgradingandhigh-quality developmentofHebeiProvince.HebeiProvincialGovernment and relevant departments will fully supportYSUin advancing towarda“doublefirst-class” universityin accordance with thearrangementsofHebei Provincial Party Committeeandtherequirements ofSecretary Wang Dongfeng.
Gao Zhili, member of the Standing Committee ofHebeiProvincial Party CommitteeandSecretary-Generalof HebeiProvincial Party Committee, and Zhu Haowen,Secretary-Generalof Hebei Provincial Government, participated in the research.
[Translated by Xing Tong]