[News from the News Center] From July 23rdto 24th, the final of“Hangzhou Future Sci-Tech City Cup”the 8thNational Undergraduate Mechanical Innovational Design Competition (UMIC) was held atZhejiang University of Technology.After two-day competition, YSU won two first prizes, one second prize and was awardednational excellent organization prize astheorganization committee officeof Hebeidivision.

Defenseat the competition

Certificates and trophies

YSU team
(Photos above fromSchool of Mechanical Engineering)
Theparking equipmentdesigned by Sun Meng, Geng Binbin, Zhu Jiaqi, Liang Xu, and Huang Licheng and guided by Guo Rui and Lv Shijun, and the continuous auxiliary pineapple picking machinedesigned by Xu Mengkai, Xian Xianzhao, Xu Zongguo, Li Rui and Ren Zeming and guided by Yao Jianhua and Tang Yanhua won the national first prize; and thenewno-avoidancefoldableparking devicedesigned by Feng Liwen, Tan Fuxiao, Peng Jing, Ding Chaowei and Zhou Fan and guided by Zhang Liandong won the national second prize.Besides, theparking equipmentwasrecommendedto the list of China Good Design, and they signedletter of intentwithJiangsu Jinguan Parking Industryto carry outtransformation of achievementand further cooperation.
Since the preparation in March last year,theInnovation Base of the School of Mechanical Engineeringorganized carefully, aftermore than one and a half years,and 14 projects out of 50 entries were selected after the preliminary screening, expert review, work optimization, physical production to participate in the HebeiUMIC, andYSU became the university that had the most projects in the final in Hebei Province withthree works recommended to the national final. During the preparations, the leaders of the School of Mechanical Engineering paidmuchattention to their condition, and the Innovation Base developed the quality improvement plan for the national competition and organized a number of experienced teachers to conduct on-site guidance, effectively improving the overall quality of the students’projects. At the finalcompetition,underthe guidance of the team teachers, they achievedgood resultswithclear division of work,earnest attitude and constant improvement.This competition fully demonstrates the excellent comprehensive quality and innovative ability ofYSUstudents, and also reflects the teaching level ofYSUin cultivating students’ all-round quality and ability.
Heldbiennially, the NationalUMICis one of the most influential competitions for undergraduatestudents.Themed by“betterlivelihood,betterhomeland”,the contents of the 8thUMIC includesmall parking equipmentin the urban communityand thedesign and production and auxiliary manual pickingmachine for10 kinds of fruitincludingapples, oranges,andstrawberries. Somewell-known experts and leaderswere invited such asPan Yunhe,LiPeigen, andDengZongquan, academicians fromChinese Academy of Engineering.Thecompetitionreceived a total of 5276from703universities and collegesworksin28 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalitieswithmore than 20,000 studentsdirect participatingin the provincialcompetition and100,000studentsparticipatingin school-level activities.
After severalreviews,181projectsfrom 113universities and collegeswere shortlisted for the final. 48 experts of thecompetitionjurygave marksaccording to the scoring criteria by reviewing the material, observing the physical demonstration and conducting the defense of the work. The aim of the competition is to cultivate students’ creative design consciousness, comprehensive design ability and teamwork spirit in teaching; tostrengthen the training of students’ practical ability and engineering practice, improve students’ ability to innovate, design and produceaccording to actual demand; topromote the transfer and transformation of mechanical design achievements;and toattractand encourage students to participate in extracurricular science and technology activitiesin order to trainoutstanding talents.
(Translated by Xing Tong)