[News from the News Center] From Aug. 3rdto 8th, at the invitation ofthe CPCCentral Committeeand the State Council, YSU Prof. Tian Yongjun, Academician of theChinese Academy of Sciences, Huang Qingxue, YSUalumniand Academician ofChinese Academy of Engineering, and other 60outstanding expertsandtalentrepresentatives workingin the front line ofscientificresearch and production from all over the countrywent to Beidaihe for summer vacation.
On Aug. 4th,commissioned byGeneral SecretaryXi Jinping, Chen Xi,member of theCPCCentral Committee Political Bureauand Minister of theOrganization Department ofCPCCentral Committee, visited theexperts in Beidaihe andlistenedto theiropinionsandsuggestions at thesymposium.Hu Chunhua,member of theCPCCentral CommitteePolitical BureauandVice Premier of the State Council.
Inviting experts from various fields tospendvacationinBeidaiheiscentralgovernment’s institutional arrangement for talent leave, which is a very high political courtesyas well as a recognition of the value of the experts.EachBeidaihe vacation is a “Meeting athigh-level” betweenthe centralgovernment authorities and the talents,wherethe central leaders will listen directly to the voices of these elites.

Academician Tian Yongjun
Tian Yongjun graduated from Harbin University of Science and Technology in 1984, received hismaster’sdegree in engineering from Northeast Heavy Machinery College (now YSU) in 1987, and received PhD degree from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1994.He is nowa professor and PhD Supervisor at YSU School of Materials Science and Engineering, the winner of National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar, the Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Talents Project Leading Talent under National High-level Personnel of Special Support Program, the German Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow, andthe winner of 2016 Hebei Outstanding Contribution Award in ScienceandTechnology.In 2017, Tian was elected the academician of China Academy of Sciencesand he wasawarded Tan KahKee Science Awardin 2018.
He has published more than 300 SCI papers in journals such as Nature, Science Advances, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Physical Review Letters, Journal of the American Chemical Society, and Advanced Materials, which have beencited more than 5,000 times. He was awarded one second prize of National Natural Science Prize (2011)as first prize-winner, two MoE Natural Science first Prizes (2000, 2008), and Hebei Province Science and Technology Outstanding Contribution Award (2016). He also had15authorized inventions andpatentsboth at home and abroad. His research achievements were selected as the Top 10 National Science Progress in 2013 and the Top 10 Science & Technology Progress of Colleges and Universities in China respectively.
For years, Tian Yongjun and his collaborators have systematically studied the hardening mechanism of covalent materials and established a theoretical model for hardening. It has been found that polycrystalline covalent materials could continue to harden at the nano level, which breaks through the traditional knowledge of material hardening. This finding has greatly revolutionized the approaches of improving the hardness of super-hard materials and indicates a new direction for its development. Based on this finding, a new idea is proposed: the ultra-high performance could be achieved through creating ultrafine nanocrystals in the two ultra-hard materials – diamond and cubic boron nitride.
Through the direct transition of onion structure carbon and boron nitride precursors under high temperature and high pressure, ultrafine nano twin-crystal diamond and cubic boron nitride were synthesized. The nano twinning microstructure improves the hardness, toughness and thermal stability of both materials. The hardness and toughness of nano twin-crystal diamond is as high as twice that of natural diamond, which greatly promotes the research in the field of high-performance super-hard materials and is expected to bring about technological changes in the processing industry and high-pressure science.

Academician Huang Qingxue
Huang Qingxueis an outstanding representative of YSUalumni. Heobtainedhis BA, MA, and PhD degree at YSU from 1984 to 1999. InDecember,2015, Huang was elected asDeputy Secretaryand President of Taiyuan University of Technologyand was electedacademician of the Chinese Academy of Engineeringin2017.He haspresided over 11 national projectsand14nationallarge enterpriseprojects. His“Life-Extending Researchon Large-Scale Mill Bearing” won thesecond PrizeofNational Prize for Progress in Science and Technologyin 2003 as one of thenational key scientific and technological projects underNinth Five-Year Plan;his“Seven Spatial Linkage Large Steel Rolling Shear” won the secondPrize of State Technological Innovation Awardin2008;and his“Development andApplication ofLarge-Scale wide-width plate straightening equipment”won the secondPrize of National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology in 2010.
The invitation of Academician Tian and Huang is a strongaffirmation of their scientific research workas well asa great encouragement toYSU’swork ofscientific research andtalent development.
(Translated by Xing Tong)