[News from the News Center] On the afternoon, Aug. 18, Zhao Xianfeng, YSU Party Secretary, Zhao Dingxuan, YSU President, and other leaders visited Zhou Tienong, YSU alumnus,formerViceChairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, andformerPresident of the Revolutionary Committeeofthe Chinese Kuomintang.

Zhou Tienong (middle), Zhao Xianfeng (left), and Zhao Dingxuan (right)
On behalf of the new leading groupand the teachers and students ofYSU, Zhao Xianfengand Zhao Dingxuan expressed their good wishes to Zhou Tienong, thanked him for his concern and support for the development of his alma mater, andintroducedon the recentdevelopment, preparation for the century-anniversary and theconstructionof“double first-class”.
Zhou Tienongwelcomed the leaders and fully affirmed the achievements ofYSU. Herecalledhisexperienceatthe Northeast Heavy Machinery Institute from 1961 to 1983, especially theexcellent tradition of serving the country and the rigorous teaching style, andsaid that he would continue to pay attention to and support the development of his alma mater.Zhouhoped that the new leading groupwould unite and lead the teachers and studentstofully implement the party’s policyforeducation, adhere to socialist orientation for runningthe university,and educate people for the party and the country.Besides,the new leading group shouldinherit and carry forward thetraditionsof struggle and the ambition of theYSUers,strengthen the construction of the teaching staff, andstrive torealize the goal of becoming a “DoubleFirst-class” universityand a“domestic first-classandworld-renowned research universitywithdistinctive features”.
Next year will witnessthe 100thanniversarysince theestablishment, and60thanniversary ofindependentrunning. Zhao Xianfeng and Zhao Dingxuan, on behalf of the teachers and students of the whole school and the alumni, sincerely invitedZhou Tienong to return to the alma mater during theanniversary, which Zhouaccepted happily.

Mr. and Mrs. Zhou and YSU leaders
(Photos above from YSU Party Committee Office)
After the meeting, a photowas taken of Zhou Tienong andthe leaders. Other leaders also visited Zhou Tienong, includingKong Xiangdong,formerYSU VicePresident, LiHongbo, Director oftheYSU PartyCommitteeOfficeandthePresident Office, and Guo Pei, Director oftheYSU PartyCommitteeOffice.
Recently, YSUleaders also visited alumni such as Ding Xuexiang and Huang Rong.
[Translated by Xing Tong]