State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology


Direction-1: Theoretical Design and Performance Prediction of Metastable Materials
Building the Theory and Method System of Metastable Material Design and predicting the new materials that do not exist in the nature to explore their formation conditions, new phenomena, and new effects.
Research Areas:
1)The first principle design of new metastable materials
2)The relationship between the macroscopic physical properties and the microscopic electronic structure of materials
3)Thermodynamics and Kinetics of new metastable materials formation
4)New functions and phenomena of new metastable materials
Direction-2: Metastable Structural Materials
To solve the basic problems related to composition, process design, and performance control by the research on the microstructure and stability of materials in order to improve the usage and serving performance of metastable structural materials.
Research Areas:
1)The Design of New Metastable Structural Materials
2)The Relationship between Metastable State and Mechanical Properties
3)The Microstructure, Property Evolution and Stability of Metastable Structural Materials in Service
4)The Preparation and Application of New Metastable Structural Materials
Direction-3: Metastable Functional Materials
To explore new ideas in the structural and performance regulation and build new corresponding technology through the systematic study of the structural transformation and stability of metastable materials under unconventional conditions, based on which, some new laws, new phenomena and new effects are to be found to provide knowledge and technical support for the development of new metastable functional materials such as high-performance magnetism, luminescence, thermoelectricity and information transmission.
Research Areas:
1)The Design of New Metastable Functional Materials
2)The Relationship between Metastable State and Optical, Electrical, Magnetic, Acoustic, Thermal and other Properties
3)The Microstructure, Property Evolution and Stability of Metastable Functional Materials in Service
4)The Preparation and Application of New Metastable Functional Materials
Direction-4: Special Preparation Technology of Metastable Materials
To develop the unconventional preparation and control technology of special materials with independent intellectual property rights through the basic technical research on the formation process of metastable materials under the influence of unconventional conditions in order to solve the urgent problems in the development of national economy.
Research Areas:
1)The Formation, Organization and Structure Evolution of Materials under Different Fields
2)The Mechanism of Multi Field Coupling Effect in Material Preparation
3)The Basis of Microstructure Properties and Dimensional Accuracy Control in Material Processing
4)The Special Preparation Technology and Key Technology in Equipment Industrialization
Direction-5: Unconventional Service Characteristics of Materials
To build scientific basis for the formation and evolution of transient metastable state of materials in the process of unconventional service in order to provide knowledge and technology to meet the major needs of special materials under extreme conditions.
Research Areas:
1)The Structural Evolution and Non-equilibrium Phase Transformation of Materials in Unconventional Service
2)The Changing Laws of Mechanical Properties and Other Physical Properties of Materials in Unconventional Service
3)The Coupling Effect of Materials under Various Unconventional Service conditions
4)The Evaluation Method of Material Properties under Unconventional Service Conditions