
School of Science

Discipline Development and Research Achievements

Discipline Development and Research Achievements

The SS offers first-level discipline PhD programs, a post-doctoral program in Physics, and provides Condensed Matter Physicsspecialty area ofprovincial key discipline.

The school also provides a first-level discipline of master’s degree program in Physics, Mathematics, and Statistics, as well as a professional master’s degree program in Applied Statistics. The SS has established a number of research institutes, including the Hebei Physics Experiment Teaching Demonstrative Center, the Hebei Key Laboratory of Microstructure Materials Physics, and the Hebei Science Popularization Demonstrative Base. The school comprises four specialties,including Applied Physics, Physics, Information and Computational Science, Statistics.

The SS has conducted research projects of different levels of significance, including,the National Natural Science Foundation Projects project, the National “973 Project”, and the Provincial Natural Science Foundation project. The school’s staff have published over 700 academic papers, some of which are SCI indexed papers, and has been awarded 35 patents. The school received more than 20 million RMB in scientific research funding through being granted both provincial and national-level awards.