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The Electronic Information Engineering Program Approved as the Implementation Unit of the Special Action Plan for Talent Cultivation in Key Areas of the Electronic Information Industry by the Education and Examination Center of the Ministry of Industry an

02 Apr , 2024

The Education and Examination Center of the MIIT issued the Notice on Publicizing the List of Selected Implementation Units of the Special Action Plan for Talent Cultivation in Key Areas of the Electronic Information Industry. Yanshan University, supported by its Electronic Information Engineering Program, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, School of Information Science and Engineering, was successfully selected into the first batch of the implementation units of the special action plan for talent cultivation in key areas of the electronic information industry following the application by the university, selection by the organizer and evaluation by the experts. A total of 141 institutions were selected as demonstration bases for the integration of industry and education, including 87 universities with undergraduate programs.

Selection Announcement and List

The Plan is released by the Education and Examination Center of the MIIT under the guidance and support of the Department of Electronic Information and the Department of Personnel and Education of the MIIT, as well as the Teaching Steering Committee for Higher Education Majors in Electronic Information of the Ministry of Education, and the National Teaching Steering Committee for Vocational Education in Industry and Information Technology. The Plan aims to cultivate high-level technical talents in the electronic information industry, promote systematic connection of the industrial chain, education chain, talent chain and innovation chain, form a talent cultivation structure of mutual promotion and coordination among industry, education, research and application, provide strong talent support for promoting new industrialization, and stimulate the accelerated development of the electronic information industry.

The University's Electronic Information Engineering Program has been recognized by the Ministry of Education for a number of times in recent years, including being selected to the "Plan for Educating and Training Outstanding Engineers" and the Joint Building of National Practice Bases. In addition, the Program has also been reviewed as a national program by the Washington Accord, the international engineering alliance, which is a major contribution to the accreditation of China's engineering education programs. The program is offered by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering which aims to cultivate high-quality talents in the fields of communication and information systems, signal and information processing, neural engineering and cognitive logic in response to major national needs and the major strategy for coordinated development in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

This selection marks an important achievement of the University's cultivation of talents in the electronic information industry. As an implementation unit of the Special Action Plan, we will receive regular inspections, evaluations and guidance for our work from the Education and Examination Center of the MIIT. We will take the electronic information engineering program as an opportunity to further strengthen cooperation with industry companies, innovate talent training modes, improve education and teaching quality, so as to cultivate more high-quality talents for the sustainable and healthy development of the electronic information industry.