Date: August 6-7,2016
Venue: DongjingRd. Hotel, Beidaihe District, Qinhuangdao
Theme: Theconference is expected to carry out in-depth discussion on Quantum Gases, thehot-spot in the realm of current physics research, of which the past twentyyears has witnessed rapid and tremendous development. A lot of significantprogress has been made in the cold atomic physics experiments including therealization of non-Abelian gauge potential, Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs)coupled with spin-orbit and ultracold Fermi gases, molecular BEC, Fermicondensates, super-solid, and superfluid Bose-Fermi mixtures. The progress ofthese experiments has prompted people to pay attention to non-traditionalquantum gases, such as topological phase, Fulde-Ferrell state, Dirac fermionand Mayolana fermion. The conference will have a far-reaching impact on thedevelopment of physics disciplines at YSU, especially cold atomic physics,condensed matter physics and optics.
Convened by Prof.Wensheng Liu from University of Pittsburgh, Prof. Biao Wu from BeijingUniversity and Prof. Linghua Wen from YSU, the workshop is co-hosted by BeijingUniversity and YSU, and organized by College of Science at YSU.
Over 20 top-levelexperimental and theoretical physicists (including a Nobel Prize winner) fromMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, University ofMaryland, University of Pittsburgh, University of Texas, Pennsylvania StateUniversity, Rice University, George Mason University, University of Hamburg inGermany, Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain, Institute of Photonics inSpain, Utrecht University in Holland, Vilnius University in Lithuania, HongKong University of Science and Technology, Beijing University and other well-knowninternational institutions of higher learning will attend the workshop.
The workshop willbe free of registration fee for the teachers and students at YSU. The attendeesincluding scholars, postdoctoral fellows and students will have valuableopportunities to communicate and discuss with world-class scientists and thusimprove their research levels.
Please contact LinghuaWen if you are interested.
College of Science
July 7,2016