[News from News Center] Recently, the 4thChina Visualization Conference (ChinaVis2017) was held in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Guided by Junlan Nie and Dongliang Guo, teachers of School Information Science and Engineering, YSU team consisting of Master Degree candidates Guojuan Wang and Chenhua Xie stood out from 68 teams all over China, and tied for the first prize with teams from Tianjin University and Northeastern University in Data Challenge segment. This is the second time YSU has won the highest honor after YSU won the first prize in ChinaVis2016.

YSU team is accepting the award.

Honor certificate
(The photos above are provided by School of Information Science and Engineering.)
ChinaVis2017 was hosted by Shandong University and co-organized by Ocean University of China, Qihoo 360 and other sponsors. Well-known domestic and overseas experts in the field of visualization were invited to make reports on the latest developments of relevant research, application and approaches. The challenge aims to help researchers evaluate the effectiveness and novelty of visualization technology and tools in solving complicated problems, and promote the progress of visualization and visual analytics in China. This competition strengthened students’practical competence and creative thinking. (Translated by Zhengjie Li)