[News from News Center] From Oct. 11thto 12th, Hebei Province 6thUniversity Employment & Entrepreneurship Guidance Course Teaching Competition was successfully held at YSU. After 2-day heated competition, YSU teacher Yanlin Su won First Prize, and Yuhua Zhang and Haibo Yu Second Prizes. YSU was honored with Outstanding Organization Award. YSU Party Secretary Weidong Meng and Vice President Dingxuan Zhao attended the awarding ceremony.

The competition
Sponsored by Education Department of Hebei and hosted by YSU, the competition aims to improve teaching level and exchange teaching experience by taking university employment & entrepreneurship guidance course teaching as the subject. Since the competition started in March, it had attracted over 400 teachers from 46 colleges and universities in Hebei. After the prelim, a total of 74 entered into the provincial rematch. At last, 16 competitors from 15 universities selected by the Competition Organizing Committee entered into the final competition.

Dingxuan Zhao, on behalf of YSU, is addressing the ceremony.
(Photographed by Linkanxue Yang)

Weidong Meng is presenting prizes to First Prize-winning competitors.
(Photographed by Wenjuan Zhang)

YSU prize-winning teachers
Career Guidance Office under Admissions and Career Development Services prepared actively and recommended 3 teachers, 2 of whom entered into the final. During the final, elaborate organization and well-planed arrangement ensured the success of the competition, which gained much praise from leaders of the Education Department and the competing teachers. Founded in 2008, the Career Guidance Office keeps improving the courses system of Career Planning and Employment & Entrepreneurship according to the demand of different times. Taking students as their main concerns, the heuristic, they highly promote inquiry, and interactive teaching model, which helped students set academic and professional goals, and guided students to successful employment.
(Translated by Zhengjie Li)