[News from the News Center] At 11:30, March 16, sponsored by the Communist Youth League YSU Committee and Higher Education Development Research Center, and hosted by YSU Student Union, the3•15 World Consumer Rights DayThematicPublicitywas held in front of YSU library.

Site of activity
(Photos above from CYL YSU Committee)
At theactivitysite,three aspects of the activity, the origination of3·15 World Consumer Rights Day,self-protection channels foruniversity students’in- and outside of campus,and YSU3·15activities, were displayed on 16 boards.Teacher Yan Jingyi from YSUOfficeof Legislative Affairsandlawyer Liao Jing fromHebei Hongye Law Firm, facing the problem of students’lack of consumers’self-protection awareness, friendly answered the questions about rights and interests that students had in daily life. Theactivityattracteda large number ofstudents listening and interacting with the teachers and lawyers. Astudentsaid that such a form of publicity coulddirectlyaddress the concerns in their real life and helped students develop their awareness in their consumption behaviors in the future. In thesignature session,YSU’s studentssolemnlysigned their names on the15-meter long scroll, and promised to safeguard their own rights and interests.
It issaidthatYSU Student Union had conductedsomerandom interviews on campusat the beginning of the activity. In the interviews, when responding to the question“Do yourequestfor an invoice when youbuy products or services”,nearly 90% of respondents said that they would ask for invoicesonly in occasionofbuying some expensiveitems (e.g.computers, digital cameras, mobile phones, etc.)otherwise they did not. Whenwasasked“what would you do ifyou buy a commoditythat hasquality problem?”, over70% of the respondents said they wouldnegotiate with the sellerbutthey would give upifthe negotiation did not work,which indicatedthatmoststudents havethe awarenessofself-protection, buthave no idea how to do it.Consideringtheseproblems, theStudent Unionscheduled some initiatives to raisestudents’ awarenessand instillrelevant legal knowledgeinto studentsin a simple and clear way,thusthe interests of consumerscan begenuinelyprotected.The activityis of great significanceforthe constructionofrights and interestsfor student consumers, establishment of the awarenessof rightsprotection, absorption of related knowledge and the development of aharmonious campus. A series of activities centered around rights protection will be carried out such as the Sound of Rights protection and the Proposals Conference.
[Translated by Li Zhengjie)