[News from the News Center] At 8:00, Apr. 22nd, the 12thco-constructionand exchangefor National Flag Guards fromuniversities andcolleges in Qinhuangdaowas held at No.1stadium, East Campus. Members ofNational Flag Guardsfrom 9 universities andcolleges in Qinhuangdaogathered at YSU to show their brilliance and excellence.

National Flag Guardsentering the stadium

Flag-raising ceremonyby YSU National Flag Guard
(Photos from Communist Youth League YSU Committee)
With the passionatemusic melody, YSU National Flag Guard with other nine National Flag Guards fromNortheastern University at Qinhuangdao, Liren College of YSU, Hebei Construction Material Vocational and Technical College,Hebei University of Environmental Engineering,Qinhuangdao Institute of Technology,Hebei Normal Universityof Science & Technology(QinhuangdaoDevelopment ZoneCampus),Hebei Normal Universityof Science & Technology(Changli Campus), andHebei Institute of International Business and Economicsmarched into thestadium.Accompanied by the solemn national anthem,the nationalflag rose,and everybody stood still solemnly. After that, theNationalFlag Guards displayed their performancewith neat posture,firmpace, standard action,anduniform formation, fully demonstratingthe style of a new generation of college students,whichsawthe bursts of applausefromthe audiencerepeatedly.
This activity for co-constructionand exchange ofNational Flag Guards fromuniversities andcolleges in Qinhuangdaoishosted by theCommunist Youth League YSU Committeeandheld bytheNationalFlag Guard, whichhas beenheld for12years.Itprovidesa platformfor theNationalFlagGuards todeepentheir understanding ofeach otherthrough exhibition,performance,andmutual exchange,promotingtheir spirits ofpatriotism, flag-loving,andflag-guarding,which representstheiryouthshiningin the dedication,andrighteous ardorboilingunder the flag.
(Translated by Xing Tong)