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A delegation of Henan Polytechnic University visits YSU

24 May , 2018

[News from the news center] on May 22, a delegation led by Vice President Zhao Junwei and Xie Wei of Henan Polytechnic University (HPU) visited YSU. At 9:00 am, the meeting was held at the first reception room of Century Building. Vice President Sheng Wanyu, and directors from Personnel Division, Academic Affairs Office, Graduate School, and Higher Education Development Research Center attended the meeting, which was chaired by Sheng Wanyu.

The meeting session (Photo by Du Yaru)

Sheng Wanyu speaks at the meeting (photo by Guo Baitong)

Sheng Wanyu on behalf of YSU welcomed the delegation of HPU and introduced YSU’s development to the guests. At the meeting, the both parties revolved around the important initiatives and related treatment for the introduction and cultivation of high-level talents, the basic conditions and main practices of personnel management, job placement and remuneration distribution. Some topics of new engineering construction were fully discussed and some ideas were fully exchanged. Through discussion and exchange, both parties stated that the two universities would learn from each other and support each other in the future, and jointly promote teaching and research levels and the comprehensive development of both universities.

(Translated by Liu Shuai)