[News from the News Center]On October 20, the fourth“FLTRP Cup”English Reading Contest and the sixth English Writing Contest were heldatHebei University of Economics and Business. Seven students led by Zhao Zhigang,Associate Professorofthe School of Foreign Studies, took part in the contests. Wang Haozhe fromtheSchool of ForeignStudieswontheFirst Prize, Tang Xuechen fromtheSchool of Economics and Management wontheSecond Prize, and Chen Yanxing fromtheSchool of Materials Science wontheThird Prize in Reading Contest.In Writing Contest,Wang Haozhe fromtheSchool of ForeignStudieswontheFirst Prize, Xu Huizi fromtheSchool of ForeignStudiesand Chang Luyu fromtheSchool of Humanities and Law both wontheSecond Prize, Xie Xinchi fromtheSchool of Humanities and Law and Ma Junshu, majoring in French fromtheSchool of ForeignStudiesboth wontheThird Prize.

Photo ofYSUteacher and students
(Photo from School of ForeignStudies)
“FLTRP Cup”National English Writing Contest and “FLTRP Cup”National English Reading Contest are public welfare contests jointlyorganizedby the Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press, National Foreign Languages Teaching Advisory Board under the Ministry of Education, and National Advisory Board on Teaching English Language to Majors in Higher Education under the Ministry of Education. The English Writing Contest was launched in 2012. It is aimed at promoting English writing teaching, improving students’Englishwritinglevel,and leadingreformand developmentofforeign languages writing teachingin colleges anduniversities. The English Reading Contest washeldin 2015to stimulate students’enthusiasm in Englishlanguage through the form of competition, which providedopportunities forstudentsin reading practice as well as a platform to challenge themselves.
[Translated by Xu Huizi]