[News from the News Center] On October 27-28, 2018 Hebei Province University Staff and Faculty Table Tennis Competition was held inYSUGymnasium. This competition was sponsored by Hebei Province Education, Science, Culture and Health Union(HEB-ESCHU)and organized byYSUUnion. Zhu Jiedong,ChairmanofHEB-ESCHU, Wang Baocheng,member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Committee in YSU, Hu Yajie fromHEB-ESCHUand Zhang Wenli,Chairmanof QinhuangdaoESCHUattended the opening ceremony. Over 200athletes of31 teams fromuniversities includingHebei University, Hebei Normal University joyfully gathered together.

The opening ceremony (Photo by Du Yaru from the News Center )

Zhu Jiedongspeaksat the opening ceremony. (Photo by Lu Jingke from the News Center)

The opening ceremony (Photo by Lu Jingke from the News Center)

Table Tennis Competition

Table Tennis Competition

Photo of leaders and winning delegations (Photo by Gao Hui from the News Center)
At the opening ceremony, Wang Baocheng delivered the openingspeech. Zhang Wenli and Zhu Jiedongdelivered speechesrespectively.In thecompetition agroup eliminationsystemwas adopted.YSU senttwo teams for this competition.Thecompetition wasintense,the athletes activelycompeted with each other anda series of techniques were performance.After a day and a half’sfiercecompetition, Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute won the champion.
This competition aims to provide opportunities for a number of staff and faculty in Hebei province to communicate with each other and exercise their table tennis skills. It also served as a platform fordemonstrating their tabletennis skills, build their body andraise thehealth awareness in facultyand staffinHebei Province.
[Translated by Xu Huizi]