[News from the News Center] On Nov. 29, the3rdmeeting ofthe1stCouncilofYSU Qiqihar Institute of Industrial Developmentwas held at theformer siteofNortheastHeavy Machinery InstituteinFularji, Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province.Leaders from related departments attended the meeting, including Yao Qing,deputy mayorofQiqihar, Sui Bingli,presidentand member ofStandingCommittee of ChinaFirstHeavyIndustries(CFHI), Jiang Jinshui, vice president of CFHI, Xie Guangquan, Party Secretary ofFularjiDistrict, Chang Xinghai,MayorofFularjiDistrict, and other leaders from MunicipalDevelopment and Reform Commission, Department of Industry and Information Technology,Technology Bureau, andQiqihar Polytechnic College. Besides, Liu Hongmin, YSU President, and Kong Xiangdong, YSU Vice President leading YSU delegation attended the meeting with staff from President Office, Science and Technology Research Institute,National Engineering Research Center forEquipment and Technology of Cold Strip Rolling, Technology Transfer Center andNational Engineering Research Center forEquipment and Technology of Cold Strip Rolling.The meeting was hosted by Kong Xiangdong, who reviewedthe construction process of theInstitute before the meeting.

The meeting
At the meeting, the adjustment plan of the members of the Institute’sboard of directors and the leading members of theInstitute was discussed and passed. JiaYuanzhi, full-time deputy director of theInstitute, gave a report on the work of theInstitute in 2018. The guestsandparticipantsalso discussed the future development of theInstitute and the work plan for 2019.

The signing ceremony
Zhao Tieshi,directorof the Institute, and JiaYuanzhi signed strategic cooperation agreementsand project cooperation lettersof intentand CFHIon behalf of the Institute.

Liu Hongmin speaks at the meeting.
Yao Qing,SuiBingli, XieGuangquan and Liu Hongmin delivered speeches at the meeting. The leaders of the city, district andCFHIfully affirmed the achievementsof the Instituteandexpressedgreat expectations onitsfurther development. Liu Hongmin pointsout thatYSUspent nearly 40 years in Qiqiharand YSU has a familiar relationship betweenQiqihar. With the national strategy of revitalizing the old industrial base in Northeast China, YSUis deeply responsible and will be more pragmatic and effectiveto run the Institute.Besides, YSUwill transform the scientific and technological achievements ofYSUinto Qiqihar,tohelp the development of 12 key industries in Qiqihar, and contribute to the revitalization of the old industrial bases in Northeast China.

Kong Xiangdong speaks at the meeting.
Kong Xiangdong said that the Institute should implement all the work in accordance with the spirit of the speeches of the leaders.Konghoped that the unitswouldactively communicate and jointly promote the establishment of theInstitute’s system and mechanism,in order tocreate a good working environment for theInstitute,toaccelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and to help local economic developmentinQiqihar.

(Photos above from Technology Transfer Center)
On the afternoon,theInstitute held anintroduction and marketing event, which includedmany projects of twocollaborative unitsandresearchfields in“study on hydraulic system design and control theory”, “application of new digital simulation technology in high-end equipment design”, “high-speed vehicle bodyworkautomatic check system”and“parallel robot and parallel equipment”.More than 50 representatives from Qiqihar participated in the introduction and marketingevent. After theevent,YSUleaders held aforumwith Jiang Jinshui,VicePresident ofCFHI, andrelevant departmentleaders and production technicians, discussingand exchangingideas on new technology research and development and problems that enterprises need to solve in production.
Before the meeting, SunShen, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Heilongjiang Province andParty Secretary of the Qiqihar Municipal Party Committee, met with Liu Hongmin and hisdelegationand conducted in-depth exchanges on the next step of theInstitute.
YSUQiqihar Institute of Industrial Development isa platform for scientific and technological achievements according tothe strategic cooperation agreementbetweenQiqihar Municipal People’s Government andYSU.Jointly established by both parties, the Institute aims tofully utilize the technologystrength and discipline advantagesofYSUbased on Qiqihar’s equipment manufacturing capability. It is nowfocusing on Qiqihar pillar industry to carry out technical innovation, product research and development, personnel training and other related work.
[Translated by Xing Tong]