[News from the News Center]What would you do if youwitnessedaquarrel on a bus? What will you dowhen someone on a bus pulls out a knife and tries to cutothers?
On February 23, on a bus in Yingkou, Liaoning Province, a 50-year-old female passenger, excited andemotional,tookouta knife from her package and intended toattackothersout of a sudden.Insuch anemergency, Wang Zelin, studentmajoring inElectronic Engineering Department ofYSU Liren College, stood upbravely. Wangstruggled topush downthe perpetrator and stopped her, and his foreheadwas slightly scratched bytheknifein the fight. With the help ofotherpassengers, the knife wasseized,thus successfully avoiding amalicious wounding incident.

Letter of thanks
Soon the police rushed to the crime scene and dealt with it. For Wang Zelin’sbravebehavior, the passengers praisedhimand expressedwillingnesstothepoliceto make a record.Somepassengerswanted toaskWang’s contacttoexpress gratitude,but Wang Zelinquietly left the scenefor the reason that he had to go to the hospital to handle the wound.
After returning to school after the winter vacation, Wang Zelin did nottalk about his deedswithanyone, and nobody knewhisbehavior until thelocal police stationof Yingkou sent a letterofthanksto the collegerecently.
Wang Zelinstill felt thrilledwhen herecalled the situation at thattime. He said that he was actuallyvery flusteredwhen he saw the perpetratortakingout the knife, buthe felt responsible tocome out boldly forothers’ safety, even ifheknewhemight be injuredhimself.“We have to stop her”-- this was the only thought in hismindat the time. Later hefound outthat the woman was mentally ill.

Wang Zelin, Liren College
(Photos above from Liren College)
As a young man with a sense of responsibility and justice, Wang Zelin knows that everyoneareresponsibleand obligatedto maintain public safetyon sucha small bus. He dashedahead regardless ofhis ownsafetyat the crucial moment.What he didpracticed the core values of socialism with his own practical actions,promotedrighteous and courageous deeds, and demonstrated the ideal pursuit and firm belief of college students in the new era.
[Translated by Xing Tong]