[News from the News Center] At 19:30, Apr. 12, the opening ceremony of YSUthe1stMathematical Culture Festival was held at Student Center, West Campus. Zhao Yongsheng (YSUVicePresident), Huang Sheng (YSUVicePresident), JinHailong (Director of Academic Affairs Office), Guan Yingping (Director of Graduate School), Li Xida (Secretary of YSU Committee of Communist Youth League), Liu Yong (Dean of School of Science), Zhang Shiliang (Party Secretary of School of Science), Yu Chunxiao (DeputyDeanof School of Science), Wang Mingli (DeputyDeanof School of Science), and other representatives attended the ceremony.The opening ceremonywas presided over by Yang Xiaoli,DeputyDean andDeputy Party Secretary of School of Science.

Thegroup photo of guests in theopening ceremony
(Photo from School of Science)
Liu Yong gave a speech at the opening ceremony. He introduced the preparations and the schedule of the Mathematical Culture Festival. He said that during the festival, whichwas based on “experiencing mathematics culture and discovering the beauty of mathematics”,many mathematical activities would be carried out. Liu hoped that the students would take the festival as an opportunity to comprehensively improve their mathematical literacy and quality, eliminate their fear of mathematics, truly stimulate interest in learning mathematics, and cultivate scientific rigor, imagination and creativity. Finally, Liu Yong announced the opening of YSU first Mathematical Culture Festival.
In the awarding session, along with the cheerful music, the leaders presented awards to the students who showed outstanding performance in the China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, MCM/ICM Contest, National Post-Graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, and Chinese Mathematics Competitions.
After the opening ceremony, Zhang Haifeng and Zhang Wei, teachers from School of Science, gave lectures. They started with mathematics culture and mathematical modeling, and explained the history and development of mathematical modeling and mathematics with clear language and vivid examples, which left a clearer understanding of mathematics for the students and eliminated their fear for mathematics. The lectures gained high praise.
The Mathematical Culture Festival, hosted by the School of Science, serves as a new carrier for the campus culture construction, and it is one of the cultural construction projects initiated by the Publicity Department of CPC YSU Committee. In the next month, the School of Science Committee of Communist Youth League, Yanxingge Mathematical Society, and Sudoku Club will show the magical charm of mathematics to students in the activities guided by teachers in the Department of Mathematics, which will help further create a good learning and scientific atmosphere, and enrich the campus cultural life.
[Translated by Xing Tong]