[News from the News Center] On June 13 and 14, the seminar for 2019informationizedprocurementand digital tendering was held at the Student Center, West Campus, which was sponsored by the College Government Procurement Branch ofEducation Accounting Society of ChinaandBeijing Higher Education Research Association of Technical Equipment, and jointly undertaken by YSU, Tianjin University, andChina University of Geosciences in Beijing(CUGB). Yu Lixin, Vice Director of the Central Government Procurement Center (CGPC),Zhang Jianping, Director of CGPCProjectAssessmentOffice, Wang Xiuke,associate researcherof CGPC InformationService, Ma Jianbin, Vice Director of the Government Procurement Center of the Ministry of Education (MOE), Jia Chuan, Vice Director of the No.1 Procurement Office of the MOE Government Procurement Center, Zhao Dingxuan, YSU President, and Chen Guoqiang, YSU Vice President, attended the seminar, as well as the leaders of YSUprocurementteam and schools and leaders from more than 180 universities and colleges nationwide.Besides, over 500representativesfrom China Government ProcurementNews,GovernmentProcurementInformation,China Education Press, and other media were present at the meeting.The seminar was presided over by Yan Shuting, Director of YSU Office of Laboratory and Assets Management.

The opening ceremony (Photo from Office of Laboratory and Assets Management)

Zhao Dingxuan delivers a speech.
At the opening ceremony, Zhao Dingxuandelivereda speech on behalf ofYSUand expressed his warm welcome to the attendees. He gave a brief introduction toYSU’shistory,academic resultsand the progress and achievements in procurementtendering in recent yearsandwishedthis meeting a complete success. Zhao said that in order to further improve the level ofuniversitygovernment procurement, universitiesand collegesshould collaborateto conductexchanges and mutual learning, and constantly improve theoretical and policy levels andprofessionalpracticalcapabilities.
On behalf of theMOEGovernment Procurement Center, Ma Jianbin said that university procurement is importantbecause of itscomplexity, risk and attention. The MOEGovernment Procurement Center hasput“quality improvement, risk prevention”as the focus ofitscurrent work. The informatization of colleges and universities, whichis the most effective to achievetargetprocurementwithhigh qualityand efficiency, meetstherequirements of China’sdeepening reform,and China’sreforms to streamline administration, delegate powers, and improve regulation and services.

Ma Jianbin delivers a speech. (Photographed by Wang Xiaotong)
Atthe seminar, Yu Lixin, Vice Director of the CGPC, Huang Kaisheng, Director of the Office of Laboratory andEquipmentof Tsinghua University, Wang Jie, Director of the Tendering and Procurement Office of the CUGB, and Zhang Sherong, Director of the Tendering and ManagementOfficeof Tianjin University, gave their keynote reports respectively.

Yu Lixin gives a keynote speech. (Photographed by Wang Yapei)

Huang Kaisheng gives a keynote report. (Photographed by Wang Yapei)

Wang Jie gives a keynote report. (Photo from Office of Laboratory and Assets Management)

Zhang Sherong gives a keynote report. (Photographed by Yang Ruoxi)

Yan Shuting presides over the seminar.
10 experts in the field of procurementwere invited fromnationally renowned universitiesto attend two theme forums. The first forumfocused onthe optimization of theprocurementmanagement systemtoput into practicethereform of government functions, which was presided overby Zhou Yongyi, ViceDirectorof the Laboratory and Equipment ManagementOfficeof Peking University. Leaders fromNanjing University,Renmin University of China,University of ScienceandTechnology Beijing,Shanghai Jiao Tong University, andDalian University of Technologyshared their opinions.The second forum was organized around theinnovationand breakthroughsofprocurementinformatization and digitaltendering, which was hosted by Wu Yingxin, Vice Director of the Tendering and ManagementOfficeof Tianjin University. Leaders fromZhejiang University, Wuhan University,Xi’an Jiaotong University,South China University of Technology, andUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of Chinaexchangetheirviews.The participantsmade reports and discussed such hot topics under the background ofgovernment functionsreformas thepolicy and practiceofgovernment procurement reform, the policy interpretation and information platform constructionofpublicbudgetunitcentralized procurement,theinformatizationthroughout thecollege equipment procurement,theinformatizationofcollegetendering andprocurement,and the research and practice ofcollege digitaltenderingsystem.

The first forum (Photographed by Li Xin)

The second forum (Photographed by Li Xin)
During the seminar, the attendees paid visit to theNational Engineering Research Center forEquipment and Technology of Cold Strip Rolling, theNationalandLocal Joint Engineering Research Center for Advanced Manufacture Forming Technology and Equipment, and the graduationexhibitionby the School of Arts and Design.

They visit theNational Engineering Research Center for Equipment and Technology of Cold Strip Rolling.(Photographed by Yang Ruoxi)

The experts visit theNationalandLocal Joint Engineering Research Center for Advanced Manufacture Forming Technology and Equipment.

They visit thegraduationexhibitionby the School of Arts and Design.(Photo from Office of Laboratory and Assets Management)
Theseminarwas heldunder the background ofdeeplyimplementingthe spirit of thecentralreform of the government procurement system, accelerating the reform of government functionsin college procurement, andpursuinginnovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. Leaders, experts and scholars inthecollege procurementtendering gathered, and built anexchange platform for colleges and universities across the country. The meeting wasfruitfulwith the joint efforts and preparations of the Laboratory and Asset Management Office,thePresidentOffice, the Publicity Department of theYSU PartyCommittee, theSafety Guard Office, the Logistics Group, Liren College, the School of Information Science and Engineering, and the School of Economics and Management. It showedYSU’sstyle and strength to national colleges and universities,andeffectively enhancedthe influence ofYSU incollege procurementtendering.
[Translated by Xing Tong]