[News from the News Center] As of the beginning of September 2019, the applications of 16 students from the School of Foreign Studies were approved, including 3 students funded by China Scholarship Council (CSC) and 13 students funded by local cooperation projects.

The invitation letter fromMoscow Pedagogical State University
The three students who have obtained the opportunity to study abroad are: Qi Mengnan of Class 2017, Li Xueqi and Ma Yating of Class 2017. They will go to Moscow City University in September this year. According to the relevant regulations, the CSC will be responsible for the scholarships and living expenses and international travel expenses in the funding period.
The other 13 students who are funded by the local cooperation projects, 8 of whom are going to study at theAltai State Technical University (ASTU). Over the years, there is a good cooperative relationship between YSU and ASTU; another 5 students are going to study at Moscow Pedagogical State University.
In the context of globalization, China-Russia relationship has become increasingly close. This studying abroad program in Russia conformed to the trend of “One Belt, One Road”, which provided a platform for our students, strengthened communication and cooperation between international institutions, and improved our university’s internationalization.
[Translated by Liu Shuai]