[News from the News Center] On Oct. 29 and 30,ZhaoXiaofeng, YSU Party Secretary, and Zhao Dingxuan, YSU President, led a delegation to Xi’an to conduct investigation at Shaanxi Longy Construction Group (LongyGroup), China National Heavy Machinery Research Institute (Sino-HEAVYMACH) and Yangling Metron New Materials Company (Metron).The delegationalsovisited alumni, and exchanged with local government and companies on their cooperation.The delegation included leaders from YSU Office, Graduate School, Scientific Research Institute, Center forTeaching and Learning Development, Office of Centenary Celebrations, Office of Alumni, and School of Mechanical Engineering.

YSU leaders and alumni in Shaanxi
On the afternoon, Oct. 29, the delegation visited Longy Group, where they were welcomed by Guo Junjie, vice chairman of the company,YSU alumni, and president of YSU’s Shaanxi Alumni Association. YSU delegation and some YSU alumni in Shaanxi held a discussion at the meeting room. Zhao Xianfeng affirmedthe fruitful work of the Shaanxi Alumni Association in such a short time since its establishment. He said he was trying to meet three goals in this trip: first, to visit Shaanxi alumni; second, to listen to the alumni’sopinions on the centenary celebrations, alumni work and school development, and invite them to celebrate the anniversary the next year; third, to deepen the industry-university-research collaboration, and gather high-quality resources of alumni, in order to achieve the goal of YSU. Zhao Dingxuan introduced the recent achievements of YSU. The alumni present were encouraged and inspired, and made constructive comments and suggestions on the relevant issues of YSU.

Zhao Xianfeng speaks at the meeting.

Zhao Dingxuan speaks at the meeting.

The meeting at Longy Group
During the meeting, Ma Xiliang, member of the Standing Committee of Xi’an Municipal Committeeof CPCand member of the Party Group of the Municipal Government, met with the delegation. Wu Liangyun, a young calligrapher from Shaanxi Province, wrote “Yan Da Teng Fei” and “Zhi Zai Yi Liu” for YSU.
On the morning, Oct. 30, the delegation from YSUconducted investigation at Sino-HEAVYMACH, and there they visited the State Key Laboratory of Metal Extrusion and Forging Equipment Technology, Laboratoryof SimulationTechnology, Information Center and Exhibition Room. The delegationheld a discussion on their cooperation with the institute.Wang Shechang, Party Secretary and chairman of the Sino-HEAVYMACH and one of YSU alumni, Xie Donggang,former Party Secretary and chairman of the Sino-HEAVYMACH and one of YSU alumni, other leaders and alumni from the institute and representatives of Shaanxi Alumni Association attended the meeting. Wang Shechang warmly welcomed Zhao Xianfeng and Zhao Dingxuan. He introduced the development of the institute and the work of alumni, and deeply recalled the time spent at YSU and thanked his alma mater for the education. He said that YSU has its own characteristics and strength; besides,the institute and YSU are closely linked to the industry of the heavy machinery in China. Thus, Wang hoped that the two sides will work more closely together inexchange and training of talent and scientific research, and make more contribution to China’s manufacturing and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Zhao Xianfeng expressed his gratitude to the warm reception of the Sino-HEAVYMACH and support forYSU over the years, and expressed sincere congratulations on the achievements of the institute in recent years. He pointed out that YSU and Sino-HEAVYMACHareclose in origin. Many alumni of YSU gathers at the institute, and they have made much contribution to the country and have made outstanding achievements. It is hoped that both sides will carry out all-round in-depth cooperation in personnel training, scientific and technological research, and output results, and work together to serve the needs of the country and the development of the industry. Zhao Dingxuan introduced the main situation of YSU and focused on the outstanding scientific achievements in machinery and materials. Xie Donggang, Wang Jianguo and other alumni representatives made speeches. They welcomed the leaders, reviewed their own experience at YSU, and expressed their gratitude to their alma mater. They were very excited about YSU’s achievements and planning and wished the alma mater a better future. Finally, everyone signed on the autograph book of YSU’s centenary anniversaryand took a group photo together.

YSU leaders visit the State Key Laboratory of Sino-HEAVYMACH.

The meeting between YSU and Sino-HEAVYMACH

YSU leaders and alumni at the signing ceremony
On the afternoon, October 30, Zhao Xianfeng, Zhao Dingxuan and the delegationcome to another alumni enterprise,Yangling Metron New Materials Company, and held a forum for strengthening cooperation between the university and the company. Liu Zhongshan, director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Yangling Demonstration Zone, introduced the development and future planning of the Yangling Demonstration Zone, indicating that Company is an outstanding private enterprise supported by the Yangling Demonstration Zone, and in the future, the Zone will continue to support the company and hope to carry out more exchanges and cooperation with YSU. Zhao Xianfeng and Zhao Dingxuan said that they are proud of Metron’s significant contributions and alumni to the green energy industry in recent years, and introduced YSU’s disciplines, technological innovations, and transformation of achievements. They hoped to strengthen the cooperation between YSU and the enterprise. Wu Ying, chairman of Metron and YSU alumnus, recalled his experience at his alma mater, introduced the development of the company, and hoped to carry out in-depth cooperation with his alma mater in materials science and other fields.

YSU leaders visit advanced products at the Metron Company.

The meeting at the Metron Company
After the meeting, Li Jiuhong, Deputy Party Secretary of the Working Committee of Yangling Demonstration Zone and Executive Deputy Director of the ManagementCommittee, met with YSU delegation and the leaders of Metron Company.
[Translated by Xing Tong]