
School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics

Discipline Building and Research Achievements

Discipline Development and Research Achievements

The SCEMconfersdoctorates and master’s degrees in the first-level disciplines of Mechanics, and Mechanics and Civil Engineering, as well as in professional Engineering. The school has Hebei’s Teaching Demonstrative Center in Mechanics, Hebei’s Key Laboratory of Heavy Equipment and Large Structural Mechanics Reliability, Hebei’s Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering in Green Construction and Intelligent Maintenance, Hebei’s Low-Carbon Clean Heating Technology Innovation Center, and Hebei’s Key Discipline of Engineering Mechanics. The SCEM also has 40 industry oriented Research Collaboration bases jointly built by the school and enterprises, including 4 national engineering practice education centers and 18 graduate practice teaching bases.

The school has presided over 26 National Natural Science Foundation Projects and 42 projects at provincial and national levels. The school has received 10 science and technology awards, industrial science and technology awards, as well as having been granted 20 patents. Faculty members have published over 500 academic papers in SCI, EI, and ISTP publications.