[News from the News Center] At 19:00, May 26,YSU 2019Graduation Galawas held at Room 109, Student Activity Center, East Campus. Zhao Xianfeng, YSU Party Secretary, Zhao Dingxuan, YSU President, Li Rong,Secretary of YSU Commission for Discipline Inspection, Zhao Yongsheng, YSU Vice President, Wang Baocheng, YSU Vice President, Ren Jiadong, YSU Vice President, and other leaders from YSU departments and schools attended the gala.

Zhao XIangfeng speaks at the gala. (Photographed by Wang Xiaoqi, the News Center)
At thegala, Zhao Xianfengdelivereda speech with the title of “forging ahead inglorious youth”.Zhaoreviewed thefour-year collegelifewith the studentsand expressed heartfelt happiness and pridefortheir achievementsin academic results, social practice, and cultural and sport activities.Heput forward three suggestions forthegraduates,who are about to leave the campus and face choicesin theirlife. First, theyshouldalways care about their family and country. Second, theyshouldfirmlyadhere to lofty ideals and convictions. Third, they shouldtake on social responsibility. He hopedthat the students will become a new generation ofYSUers andpractitionerswho havethe feelings, dare to take responsibility and demonstrate dedication.
Thegala was divided into threesessions, which helpedstudentsmake clear therelationshipbetweenindividuals,collective and thecountry with unforgettablefriendshipsamongclassmatesand between teachers and students, and love forfamily and country.

Dance“Bachelors”(Photographed by JiaMengwei, the News Center)

Song“TheOrigin”(Photographed by Wang Xiaoqi, the News Center)

Instrumental performance“Big Fish”(Photographed by Zhang Bo, the News Center)

Drama performance(Photographed by Wang Xiaoqi, the News Center)

Drum Dance (Photographed by Wang Xiaoqi, the News Center)

Musicalplay“Farewell YSU”(Photographed by Wang Xiaoqi, the News Center)
Thegala began with the dance“Bachelors”, whichinstantlyaroused the emotionsof the audiencewiththe musicandlight. In the first chapter, theperformersexpressed their changes of feelings fromthe entrance to the graduationin the years withthe songs, dances,andpoetry recitation.Thesong “thesource”showed the idea that one shouldnever forget wherehishappiness comes from; FengJiyong and Chen Bo, members ofYSU3rdPostgraduate VolunteerEducation Groupcalled onYSU studentsto combinethe development of individualsand the mission of the times,and strive to get improvedwhile taking onresponsibilities, and torepay the university, the country andthe peoplewithsatisfactoryresults. Feng Jiyong presented the song “Repay theCountry withPatriotism”.In the second chapter, the studentsgaveperfectperformancewith what they had learned. The instrumental performance “Big Fish” combineddouble-row keys,Pipa, dulcimer,Zheng,Erhu and other musical instruments; the magicshow amazed the audiencewiththe coins and the petals; the dance “White Featherand ClearSong” expressedfreedom and beautywithswan’s agile posture; themusicplay“Farewell YSU”reflectedthefour yearsthe graduates had spent at YSUand theirmemoriesof teachers and classmates. The scene that“Once parting,things are all memories” moved many graduates.In the third chapter, the dramaperformance,the dance,and the chorus conveyed the spirit of the young generationthat they will becourageous and bravein the new era. Thegalaended in the song “Flying Together”.

Leaders and performers (Photographed by Zhang Bo, the News Center)
Hosted byYSU committee of the Communist Youth League, the Graduation Galainvolved more than 400 cast members.After 7rehearsals and 10 refinements in 2 months,they presentedan unforgettable audio-visual feast for the graduateswithevery effort,withwhichthe college life of the graduatesend in a satisfactory way. In order toenablemore studentsto watch the gala, ascreenwasset upto provide livebroadcast. It is hoped that graduateswillcontinue to uphold theschoolmotto of “SocialCommitment,ExtensiveKnowledge, and PracticalAction”, and tostrive, explore and devotein the forefront of the times.
[Translated by Xing Tong]