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Yanshan University Invited to Participate in 2023 Global "Confucius Institute Day" Event

28 Sep , 2023

On the afternoon of September 27,YanshanUniversity participated in the 2023 Global "Confucius Institute Day" Event at the invitation of the Chinese International Education Foundation (CIEF). Ren Jiadong, Vice President of Yanshan University, on behalf of the university, attended the event and delivered a speech. Professor Otlogetswe Totolo, President of the Botswana International University of Science and Technology, gave a video address. Lu Jun, Director of the Office of International Cooperationof Yanshan University, and Zhu Hong, Deputy Director of the Office of International Cooperation, accompanied the delegation.

On March 28, 2023,YanshanUniversity formally received approval from the CIEF to jointly establish a Confucius Institute with the Botswana International University of Science and Technology. As the representative Chinese partner institution for the newly established Confucius Institute in 2023,YanshanUniversity was invited to participate in this event.During the event,Yang Wei, President of the CIEF and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), officially announced the list of newly established Confucius Institutes for the year 2023. He also presented the plaque for the Confucius Institute at the Botswana International University of Science and Technology toYanshanUniversity and the Botswana International University of Science and Technology.

Yang Wei presents the plaque for the "Confucius Institute at the Botswana International University of Science and Technology" toYanshanUniversity and the Botswana International University of Science and Technology

In his address at theevent, Ren Jiadongdelivered a speechas the representative of the Chinese partner institution for the newly established Confucius Institute. He expressed that the Confucius Institute at the Botswana International University of Science and Technology is theYanshan University's second Confucius Institute established globally. It marks a historic breakthrough in substantive cooperation between the university and African higher education institutions. This development is of significant importance for elevating the university's international education standards in the new era, aligning with the "Belt and Road" education initiative, and contributing to enhancing the country's international communication capabilities. Under the guidance and support of the CIEF, the university will continue to excel in various aspects, including the unveiling of the Confucius Institute, personnel selection, curriculum development, and talent cultivation.Yanshan University iscommitted to building the Confucius Institute brand and contributingitsstrength to the development of international Chinese education.

Ren Jiadong delivers a speech at theevent

In a video address recorded byProfessor Otlogetswe Totolo, President of the Botswana International University of Science and Technology, which was played during theevent,he expressed that the establishment of the Confucius Institute at the Botswana International University of Science and Technology holds extraordinary significance. It symbolizes a milestone in the cooperation between the Botswana International University of Science and Technology and Yanshan University, further elevating the friendship and cooperative relationship between China and Botswana. The philosophy of the Confucius Institute aligns seamlessly with the principles cherished by both China and Botswana, which are to establish friendly cooperation, bridge cultural gaps, and promote mutual understanding and respect. The Confucius Institute at the Botswana International University of Science and Technology will contribute to the realization of these principles by imparting Chinese language and culture to students, faculty, staff, as well as the broader community and the Palapye region where the university is located.

Otlogetswe Totolo's video address is played during theevent

Thismarksthe tenth Confucius Institute Day, with the theme "Collecting Insights for an Extraordinary Future".Twenty-sixChinese and foreigndirectors of Confucius Institutes from 18 countries, including the United States, Canada, Germany, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan,andEcuador, were awarded the 2023 Confucius Institute Director Commemorative Medal. In the event, the plaques were presented to the five newly established Confucius Institutes in 2023. The list of winners for the 2023 CI Moments Global Short Video Collection Eventwas also announced at the event. As the Confucius Institute brand is about to celebrate its twentieth anniversary, 320 directorrepresentatives of Confucius Institutes worldwide have jointly issued a proposal. The proposal suggests that Confucius Institutes around the world should celebrate the 2024 global "Confucius Institute Day" under the theme of "At20th,the Confucius Institutes Isin Its Prime", marking this significant milestone.

Participants take a group photo

Currently,Yanshan University is actively preparing for the unveiling ceremony of the Confucius Institute at the Botswana International University of Science and Technology. It is scheduled to be officially inaugurated on October 31 at the Botswana International University of Science and Technology. Once the Confucius Institute is operational, it will fully integrate the academic strengths of both universities and adopt a "Chinese Language + Vocational Skills" training model. This approach aims to cultivate versatile talents with innovative thinking, providing a talent pool for Botswana's local community and Chinese-funded enterprises. It will contribute positively to strengthening educational cooperation, economic and trade ties, and cultural exchanges between China and Botswana, while also promoting the development of globalpluralistic cultureand building a China-Africa community with a shared future.