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Exploring an Innovative Internationalized Educational Model of "Foreign Language + Health and Wellness" - Yanshan University Signs a Cooperation and Exchange Agreement with Tohoku Fukushi University

13 Oct , 2023

In order to enhance the internationalization of Yanshan University's health and wellness talent development, under the careful guidance and strong support of the Office of International Cooperation, the School of Foreign Studies and the Health and Wellness Talent Training Center have joined forces to actively explore an innovative internationalized educational model, combining "Foreign Language + Health and Wellness." This initiative further advances the interdisciplinary integration of new medical and new liberal arts programs at Yanshan Univeristy. Following thorough coordination and meticulous preparation by the Japanese language department faculty, Yanshan University recently signed academic and student exchange agreements with Tohoku Fukushi University.

Tohoku Fukushi University in Japan is a comprehensive university deeply rooted in social services and with a global perspective on "welfare." The programs offered at this university align closely with Yanshan University's goals for nurturing health and wellness talents, as well as the integration and development of "Foreign Language +" talents.

Based on the content of theAgreement on Student Exchange between Yanshan University and Tohoku Fukushi University, Yanshan University will soon initiate a student exchange program to Tohoku Fukushi University in Japan. Three students majoring in Japanese will be selected to be the first group of exchange students sent to Tohoku Fukushi University for study exchange. During their exchange program at Tohoku Fukushi University, these students are required to fulfill the designated courses as well as complete research tasks assigned by the Health and Wellness Talent Training Center. Upon the successful completion of their study and research tasks, the university will provide them with a certain amount of financial support or awards.

The initiation of this project marks the commencement of a new model for the integration of health and wellness talent development with discipline-based talent development at Yanshan University. It fully leverages Yanshan University's academic resources and explores the cultivation of interdisciplinary, versatile professionals, further propels our efforts in enhancing the capacity-building for health and wellness talents, and raises the comprehensive skills and capabilities of professionals in health and wellness-related disciplines.