【News from News Center】People’s Daily OverseasEdition, on May 5thand 9th, published photos of YSU Pakistani students experiencing Chinese traditional culture in Renminli Community, Haigang District. Besides, the photos were also published on the front page ofQinhuangdao Evening Newson May 8th.

3rdpage ofPeople’s Daily Overseas Editionon May 5th

12thpage ofPeople’s Daily Overseas Editionon May 9th
(The photos are provided by College of International Education.)
Representatives of Pakistani students from College of International Education came to Renminli Community and were warmly received by the residents. The representatives talked aboutthe Belt and Roadwith their not so fluent Chinese and expressed their determination to be envoys of friendship between China and Pakistan. The residents praised the good wishes, and taught the representatives Chinese Calligraphy and Beijing Opera masks painting. Experiencing Chinese traditional culture at local communities has been an activity highly regarded by College of International Education. Overseas students have the chance to experience modern China and traditional culture at the same time.