[News from News Center] YSU Labor Union held outward bound for new faculty and staff on Oct. 19thafternoon to enhance their understanding of and affection to YSU and the Labor Union.

The group photo of new faculty and staff
(The photo is provided by YSU Labor Union.)
YSU Labor Union President Tiewei Hu introduced the daily work of Labor Union including its basic functions, membership procedures at the conference room. After that, all attendees went to Pantaoyu Outward Bound Base by bus and began the outward bound. after the “Icebreaking Game” and “Warming-up Hoop” two groups were formed, of which the captain, name, banner, slogan and team song were determined then. “Inspiration” examined the decision-making and teamwork ability of teammates. “Extreme Challenge” strengthened the coordination and collective consciousness, and deepened the attendees’ perception of teamwork while they were approaching the nature. At last, all attendees were gathered and shared their experience of the activity, obtaining pleasure and friendship.
This activity deepened the new faculty and staff’s understandings of YSU Labor Union, improved their comprehensive quality, and invigorated them to concentrate on their work.
(Translated by Zhengjie Li)