[News from the News Center] From Jul. 24 to Aug. 3, the North China Division finals of the 13thNational Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Design Competition (CEDC) was held at YSU, which was sponsored by the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, the China Education Association of Chemical Industry, and the Teaching Guiding Committee of Chemical Engineering in Higher Education of MOE. The number of participating universities, teams and contestants reached a record high, involving a total of 309 teams from 60 universities and colleges in North China.
From July 25 to 26, 78 judges from 60 colleges and universities came to YSU for evaluation, which was divided into three groups: quality of design document, applicationof modern design method, and quality of engineering drawing. In the end, a total of 65 teams were selected to the finals of the North China Division finals.
At 8:00, August 1, the opening ceremony of the competition was held at Room 109 of the Student Center, East Campus. Many leaders and teachers attended the ceremony, including Wang Baocheng, YSU Vice President, Fan Xiaozhen, Vice President of Cangzhou Normal University, Liu Chunjiang, head of CEDC North China Division, Prof. Li Chunli from Hebei University of Technology, Jin Hailong, Director of YSU Academic Affairs Office, Cai Xingzhou, Director of YSU Student Affairs Office, Zhang Hongbing, Director of YSU Admissions and Career Services, Gao Faming,dean of the School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Ding Hua, Party Secretary of the School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering,Zhang Yang,Deputy Secretary of the YSUCommittee of Communist Youth League, as well as other teachers and contestantsfrom 60 universities and colleges in the North China. The ceremony was hosted by Jiao Tifeng, deputy dean of the School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering.

Wang Baocheng, YSU Vice President, speaks at the opening ceremony.
After the opening ceremony, 65 participating teams made theirdebatein the No. 4 Building. Meanwhile, 42 experts conducted careful review of the projects frommethod of modern design, quality of design document, and quality of engineering drawing. On August 2, 15 teams that advanced to the second round of the finals made theirdebateat Room 109, Student Center, East Campus. After fierce competition, the team “You Zhi Xi Wu Zhi Xi” from Tianjin University won the gold award; the team “ZhiRiKe Dai” the silver award in North China; and the team “BASF plus” from Hebei University of Technology the bronze award. A total of 11 grand prizes, 53 first prizes, 3 individual prizesand 2 group prizes were selected.


Wang Baocheng presents prizes to the gold-award winner.
(Photos above from the School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering)
At 17:40 on August 2nd, the closing ceremony of the competition was held at Room 109, Student Center, East Campus. Prof. Liu Chunjiang, head of CEDC North China Division, and Wang Renren, deputy director and senior engineer of the R&D Center of Tianjin Bohai Chemical Industry Group, summarized the performance in the finals of the North China Division. Subsequently, the guests presented the awards to the prize-winning team. Gao Faming, dean of YSU School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, made a closing speech.
In this competition, the team “ZhiRiKe Dai” and the team “Yue Ran Zhi Shang” won the silver award and the first prize representatively in the North China division.
CEDC is a competition for cultivating innovative thinking and engineering skills of undergraduate students, cultivating their teamwork spirit and enhancing their engineering design and practical ability, and it has become the competition of the highest level in domestic chemical industry with the largest number of participating teams and the greatest influence.
[Translated by Xing Tong]